Solved by verified expert:there is the direction and two samples for Scholarly journal . please meet the requirements and give the clear details for them . let me know if you have any questions. thank you .
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Scholarly Journal Assignment DIRECTIONS
Grading Structure: (100 points)
1) Information about a Business Journal in your field (50 points)
2) Summary of Article you read from this Business Journal using APA style (50 points)
General Information:
➢ The purpose of this assignment is for you to become familiar with journals/periodicals in your major and general
business. For those of you who are non-business majors taking this as an elective, I want you to search for majors in
your field so it’s relevant to you. You may need the knowledge for potential research in your undergraduate or
graduate courses. Also, as a future businessperson (or worker in another field), you might want to refer to these
readings occasionally to keep up with current trends and research in your area.
Instructions for Business Journal Information:
1) Your goal is to find a scholarly journal/periodical in your field that you might be interested in. You will answer the
following questions:
✓ What is the general purpose of this journal (give an overview)?
✓ What is the frequency of publication (monthly, quarterly, yearly, etc.)?
✓ Who publishes the journal (scholarly society, university, etc.)?
✓ Who are the primary editors and what is their affiliation/location?
✓ How long has the journal been published? Still in publication?
✓ What are some of the guidelines for article submission /call for papers (format, length, percent accepted, peer/blind
reviews, average turnaround time, etc.)?
✓ Subscription information?
2) You probably will NOT be able to find all of the information from the library periodicals page you are currently
viewing. You will have to search for that specific journal on the Internet to get to their official site. That journal
website will definitely have most of the information you are looking for. You may need to use Cabell’s to obtain the
information about the percent accepted and a couple of other items. To do that, go to our library site, click Databases,
by Alphabetical Listing, choose ‘C’, click on Cabell’s Directories of Publishing Opportunities, and then search for
your journal there. Once you get to the Cabell’s site, you will be asked to choose between White list journals and
Black list journals. You may need to check both lists. The Black list journals have been tagged as predatory and/or
non-reputable. I recommend that you never use those. Some smaller and new journals may not be found on either list.
If your journal is not listed, find all of the information that you can. If you are missing information, I do check Cabell
’s to see if the information is there when grading.
3) Please use the sample document shown in the Canvas module for this part of the assignment. You may cut and paste
journal information for this assignment.
4) NOTE: Only Journal information should go on this page and nothing about your article. Do not confuse the two. If
you have questions, please ask before submitting!
Instructions for Article Summary:
1) Once you have found a scholarly journal article in your field, make sure the article is long enough so you can get a onepage summary, typically 7-15 pages. You probably wouldn’t want to use an article over 20 pages as this would be
more difficult to summarize for this assignment. Print or save the article for viewing later if necessary. Remember to
obtain all of the citation information you will need (see APA PPT in Canvas).
2) You will provide a full one-page, double-spaced summary of the article. Create your own summary of what you read.
This is great practice in a skill that many of us struggle with.
3) Try not to get bogged down in the statistics and methodology discussed in the article. You can usually get what you
need from the parts before and after where the study is introduced and then results are discussed.
4) You will provide a reference for the article on a second page of this document. It will be the only reference and should
be in APA Style. The purpose of this is to just give you additional practice with formatting references. If you decide to
include an exact quote in your summary, be sure to give the parenthetical citation. Otherwise, since this document will
only have ONE reference, you do not need to provide other parenthetical citation in the summary. You should use
signal phrases though (e.g. White concluded that, White found that this was significant, etc.) to make the summary read
more smoothly. Remember that this assignment should be a summary in your own words and it is preferable not to use
quotes. If you must quote, keep it short and limit to one or two very important things that you feel that you could not
possible restate.
5) This should be formatted in standard APA style using the sample document shown in the Canvas module for this part
of the assignment.
6) Two separate files (Business Journal Information and Article Summary) should be submitted at the same time to the
assignment dropbox in Canvas.
Name – Sample Student
MG 382 – Managerial Communications
Scholarly Business Journal Information Assignment
Journal Name – Journal of Business Communication, ISSN: 0021-9436, eISSN: 1552-4582
General Purpose/Overview – The Journal of Business Communication (JBC) publishes peer-reviewed,
rigorous original research that contributes to the knowledge and theory of business communication as a
distinct, multifaceted field approached through the administrative disciplines, the liberal arts, and the
social sciences. Articles in JBC address all areas of business communication including, but not limited to,
business composition/technical writing, information systems, international business communication,
management communication, and organizational and corporate communication. In addition, the journal
JBC welcomes submissions concerning the role of written, verbal, nonverbal and electronic
communication in the creation, maintenance, and performance of profit and not for profit business.
Frequency of Publication – Quarterly (Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct)
Published by (scholarly society, university, etc.) – This is the official journal for the Association of
Business Communication (ABC),
Primary Editors and Affiliation/Location – The primary editor is Margaret Graham and the Assistant
Editor is Quinn Warnick. Both are affiliated with Iowa State University. There are also six Associate
Editors located at various universities in the U.S. and abroad.
How long in Publication? Still in Publication? – This journal has been in publication since October 1963
and is still in publication.
Some Guidelines for Article Submission/Call for Papers (e.g. format, length, reviewers, percent
accepted, average turnaround time, etc.) – Write the manuscript in English, following the format
specified in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (5th edition). You may use
either U.S. or British spelling, but use U.S. punctuation. Four main types of submissions and their
lengths follow: 1) Traditional scholarly studies of 15-35 double-spaced pages, excluding references,
notes, and appendices; 2) Commentaries of 10-14 pages, excluding references, notes, and appendices;
3) Forums consisting of 2-4 articles organized around a unifying theme. Manuscripts comprising forums
typically resemble commentaries rather than traditional research submissions. Forums might also have
an introduction written by a guest editor; 4) Book reviews. Contact the Book Review Editor to inquire
about reviewing a book. Submissions are critiqued by three external reviewers and two internal
reviewers. Approximately 11-20% of articles submitted are accepted. The average turnaround time to
know if your submission is accepted is 2-3 months.
Subscription Information – Members of ABC automatically receive the Journal of Business
Communication as part of their membership dues. It is sent in print form, but can also be accessed
electronically. However, individual articles can be purchased online by non-members. Institutions can
also purchase subscriptions to this journal without their employees becoming members of ABC.
Summary for Scholarly Journal Article:
Your Article Title Here
Your Name
University of North Alabama
Month Day, 20??
Summary for Scholarly Journal Article:
Your Article Title Here
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blah, blah Blah, blah, blah, blah.
Jackson, M. H. (2007). Should emerging technologies change business communication
scholarship. Journal of Business Communication , 44(3), 3-12.
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