Solved by verified expert:First, you will read the Virtue of Selfishness. Week 6.pdfAfter ready the virtue of selfishness you will do this one :Do you find both or either of these theories are at the same level as Utilitarianism, Deontology, Rights Theory, and Virtue Ethics? The only two ethical theories we are studying from the 20th century were from women. Do you find that these theories are at odds with one another or compatible? In what ways specifically?In Death of Nature we read that women who challenge the status quo are often demonized and rejected. Do you think that either of these philosophers would have been received differently if they were not women? How do you think their gender has shaped the way they have been received by society? (You may want to read some secondary sources to answer this question if you are unfamiliar with their background)Please post your one page answer by the end of Thursday. By the end of Sunday, please give two responses to your classmates giving critical feedback. This is less about an absolute right or wrong answer so please give a thoughtful answer. You are also free in this section to tell any personal or professional stories to make your points. you just only write 150 words it is well
Expert answer:Wk 7 Discussion Egoism vs Ethics of Care
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Humanities | 0 comments
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