Solved by verified expert:Assignment 2: Routine MessagesLength:Two routine messages, 400-500 words per message (800-1000 words total). Single-spaced, with 1-inch margins on all sides. 12-point Times New Roman font. Objective:To announce organizational restructuring, write one routine positive message addressed to investors (400-500 words), and one routine negative message addressed to employees (400-500 words).What’s the purpose of a routine positive or negative message?Like an internal memo, routine positive or negative messages function as short-form documents with a clear purpose and pertinent information. Positive and negative messages are similar in function, but add a unique rhetorical challenge in terms of audience: where the intended audience for a positive message is eager and interested in what you have to say, the audience for a negative message is instead anxious and unwelcoming. In both cases, delivering an effective message will require you to adapt what you’ve learned regarding tone, emphasis, and direct/indirect approaches.Assignment scenario:As the head of a business, you’ve decided that organizational restructuring is necessary in order for your company to stay solvent and adapt to changing market trends. Investors will be happy to hear about the restructuring and its long-term positive impact, but employees are anxious about impending layoffs.Using details provided below, prepare one positive message addressed to investors and one negative message address to employees:Reasons for RestructuringImpact of Restructuring· Outdated business model· Employees experiencing low morale· Stakeholders/investors losing confidence· Financial losses are becoming significant· Company is less competitive in current market· Corporate debt is becoming difficult to manage· (Any additional reasons you’d like to include.)· Many employees will be laid off· New structure will require re-training employees· Corporate interest payments will be reduced· Many departments will become more efficient· Underutilized assets/teams will be sold· Company branding and marketing will be revitalized· (Any additional outcomes you’d like to include.) Paper structure:This assignment will consist of two separate messages. You can include both messages in one .doc file, ensuring that the messages are clearly labeled (i.e. Routine Positive Message and Routine Negative Message). Utilize the format of an internal memo addressed to either “Investors” or “Employees.”The overall outline of your memo will depend on whether you choose a direct approach or an indirect approach. You’re welcome to use a direct approach for one message and an indirect approach for the other, or the same approach for both messages.PLEASE USE YOUR OWN WORDS. DO NOT COPY FROM SOMEONE ELSE OR YOU WILL RECEIVE ZERO GRADE.
Expert answer:Business routine messages (short essay)
by writersseek | Feb 6, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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