Solved by verified expert:Please read the instructions carefully before
taking on this project. I really do not want to deal with another tutor
who didn’t read the instructions before taking the project. There is a
timed final exam included in this project which I explained in details
below.Please I need someone who is very good in Statistics to take on this assignment. Thanks Hi
for this week I have the signature assignment and my final exam due on
Monday evening. I already included and attached all the details for the
signature assignment below. For my Final exam it consists of 30
questions and its timed for 3 hours. You have to log in to my school
website to do it because its timed. I will give my school details to who
ever takes on this assignment.About Your Signature Assignment This
signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student
learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes
are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able
to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignment may be
graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect
data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used
for program improvements. Purpose of Assignment The
purpose of this assignment is for students to synthesize the concepts
learned throughout the course, provide students an opportunity to build
critical thinking skills, develop businesses and organizations, and
solve problems that require data. Assignment Steps Case 1: Scenario:
Cloud Data Services (CDS), headquartered in Memphis, provides
information technology services, specifically application hosting
services in the cloud for several clients in the southern United States.
CDS hosts software applications on their network servers. While CDS has
achieved great success and customers rate CDS’s services highly,
lately, some customers have been complaining about downtime on one of
the primary network servers. The given dataset, found in the Signature
Assignment Excel® Template, contains the downtime data for the month of November.Use the data analytics skills learned in Week 3 and analyze the downtime data.Make a short presentation to CDS’s management including the following:Using used Microsoft® Excel®
Pivot Tables, construct a frequency distribution showing the number of
times during the month that the server was down for each downtime cause
category.Develop a bar chart that displays the data from the frequency distribution in part 1.Develop
a pie chart that breaks down the percentage of total downtime that is
attributed to each downtime cause during the month.Evaluate the mean, median, standard deviation, and variance of the downtime minutes for the month of November.Case 2:Note: Although
you will be studying the concept of CPI in more detail in your ECO/561
class; for the purpose of this case, you need to use the concepts of
percentages, percentage increase/decrease, and creating and interpreting
line charts to compute the inflation rate in the US economy and
determine which time period experienced the highest inflation rate. Follow the steps below to complete this signature assignment: Search for the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis (FRED).On the home page of the website, you will see a search box.Type in CPI- AUCSL in the search box and press the return key.The first result of the search will be “Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers: All Items.” Click on this result link.Click on the Download link and download the data in Excel®.On the Excel® file, the second column gives you the CPI values for each period starting from 1947.Go
to the last row and notice the last date and the CPI value. Go back 6
years from this last date. For example, if the last date is 2016-11-01,
then the date 6 years ago would be 2010-11-01.Copy and paste this six years data into a separate Excel® tab.Using Excel®,
calculate the percentage change in CPI from a year earlier for each
observation, beginning with the observation one year later than the
first observation. To make this calculation, click on the blank cell
next to the observation corresponding to that date and then use Formula
1, located in the Signature Assignment Excel® Formulas document (note that in Excel®, the symbol for multiplication is *), where t-1 is the first observation and t
is the observation one year later. For example, to find the percentage
change in CPI from 2010-11-01 to 2010-10-01, refer to Formula 2 located
in the Signature Assignment Excel® Formulas document. Convert this value to a percentage in Excel®.
Repeat this process for the remaining observations (you can use the
copy and paste functions to avoid having to retype the formula).This new column contains the national inflation rate.Create a line graph of the percentage changes (inflation rates) from a year earlier.Which period experienced the highest inflation rate? What was the inflation rate during that period?