Solved by verified expert:a) Create a simple game. You may not use a game that appears in our text book.b) Define your simple game with respect to PEAS (Performance Measure, Environment, Actuators, and Sensors) for each method of representing knowledge. 1) – 6)1) Agent programs2) Trees 3) Optimization problems 4) Games 5) Constraint satisfaction problems 6) Propositional and first-order logicc) Describe how your game would be played by an AI in each of the methods of representing knowledge 1) – 6). 1) Agent programs 2) Trees 3) Optimization problems 4) Games 5) Constraint satisfaction problems 6) Propositional and first-order logicd) Create a trace of the AI’s play of two test games for each method 1) – 6) 1) Agent programs 2) Trees 3) Optimization problems4) Games 5) Constraint satisfaction problems6) Propositional and first-order logic
Expert answer:Artificial Intelligence
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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