Solved by verified expert:Several agencies and organizations for individuals with disabilities were discussed in this module. There are probably some agencies which serve similar missions in your local area. Please select one to visit and study more in depth. In a 4pages page typed, double-spaced paper, please discuss the mission of this agency or organization.How does it purport to serve individuals with disabilities?How are the services funded?What kind of staff (size, qualifications) does the agency have?What are the services that are offered, and how do individuals with disabilities access these services and offerings?What were your impressions upon visiting the agency?rackers just write about it or another facility that deals with disabilities in upstate ny.You may use any sources from the course as appropriate. You should also use outside sources to deepen your understanding of the agency/organization. All sources used need to be cited.
Expert answer:what is a specific organization that deals with di
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Humanities | 0 comments
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