Expert answer:In Weeks Four and Five, you will compile a Final Project that consist of a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document, a presentation, and a storyboard that reflects knowledge you have obtained over the course. This week you will create a FAQ and a storyboard. In Week Five you will complete a presentation and compile the Final Report.Resources:The® video “Word 2016 Essential Training” with David Rivers”Sketch and Storyboard” from Lesson 2, “Story Structure,” in the® video “Data Visualization: Storytelling” with Bill ShanderWrite a 175-to 350-word FAQ document using Microsoft®Word in response to the following:Scenario One: You are preparing for a new company-wide project to implement cloud technology. In preparation for the project rollout, the VP of Information Technology has asked you to prepare a FAQ document describing cyberspace and its associated complexities for all staff so they understand cyberspace, and cloud technology. The U.S.-based company has 100,000 staff members and offices in 100 countries. Your task is to, in the form of an FAQ, provide answers to the following:What are the definition of cyberspace, and the maritime, space, and physical domains? Provide a concise description of cyberspace and the maritime, space, and physical domainsHow do international laws affect citizens and companies in the U.S.? Accurately describe how international laws affect citizens and companies in the U.S.How do political elements within the U.S. affect cyber security? Accurately describe how political elements within the U.S. can affect cyber securityWhy is cyber security so complex in cloud technology? Concisely explain the complexities of cyber security in cloud technologyWhat advantages can cloud technology offer to businesses? Describe at least two advantages cloud technology can offer businessesScenario Two: You have recently been hired as a Cybersecurity Intern with a medium size company that has been growing very rapidly. The company supports outreach to the community and has set up a forum to help high school students understand important concepts in security. Your boss has asked you to set up a storyboard that will be used to present to the students to highlight the differences between espionage, intelligence gathering, and cyber warfare. He also wants you to help them understand the physical assets of the Cyber Domain. If you are successful with the storyboard, your boss plans to turn this into an infomercial.Develop a 6- to 8-slide/panel storyboard document using Microsoft® Word or PowerPoint®. Your storyboard should:Accurately depict the differences between espionage, intelligence gathering, and cyber warfare at a level that high school students can relate toAccurately describe the influence the military has had on intelligence gathering, cyber warfare, and physical assetsProvide a complete timeline of a recent incident involving personal privacy including the nature of the attack, and providing insight into the risks of conducting business in cyberspaceEnumerate at least five physical assets of the Cyber Domain, including an explanation of why you included the assetsExamine where we are today in the areas of espionage, intelligence gathering, cyber warfare, and physical assets, and offer a prediction of the future given your current perspective
Expert answer:Individual: Final Project Part 1: Paper and Storyb
by writersseek | Feb 1, 2025 | Other | 0 comments
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