Solved by verified expert:look at last week paper provided. to see writing style. Using the organization example from last week as a consultant to the CEO of the small business, recommend one social responsibility initiative and one sustainability initiative that the organization should introduce and implement within the next 6-12 months. In your response, be sure to designate how the CEO of the small business should use technology (e.g., big data, cloud computing, outsourcing, and social media). For each initiative, address the following in your report:Select and recommend initiatives based on reasoned argument and summarize each initiative.Generalize who will be the participants and the benefactors in each initiative.Assess any foreseen challenges and provide recommendations to overcome these challenges.Determine how you will encourage the CEO of the small business to manage ethics and technology. Explain your recommendations and provide examples to support your thoughts.Remember to cite and reference the resources found in the Books & Resources section (6 articles and 2 films). In addition to the required resources this week, locate two additional scholarly resources in the library to back your statements. If you are unfamiliar with the concepts of big data and cloud computing, now would be a good time to research those terms. Length: 5-7 pages, not including title and reference pagesBook and Resources:……Films Media Group. (2015). Rock star leadership [Video file].…
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When an organization gets caught up and immersed in detail that is irrelevant or that is
the opposite of what they have set for themselves, they begin losing the overall insight of their
original goals. Revolution has been an integral part throughout the business world. However, in
the past decade, the revolution has hit the market with what is known as unparalleled speed and
force enforcing businesses to get off the track in which they initially set. Such forces that
continue to model the society today are enormous, intricate, and unexpected challenges that arise
through all organizations. Above all, the success of a company in any industry relies on
communities and individuals to acclimatize such forces while positioning themselves towards
reaping the benefits of what running a business is all about.
In the economic world, there are temptations that directs the attention of a fast-changing
lifestyle of events while increasing the chances of companies losing insight on the business
trends that have been situated throughout the market domination for their futures. Because of
this, leaders in all organizations not only need to develop a vision and want to change, but they
must also model such actions of thoughts through their behaviors, culture, and values that
represent their business or organization with a reality perspective (Fairlie et, al., 2015). As a
consultant for Mr. Ottenberg, who is the current CEO of a company known as Prosper Senior
Care; I will put forth recommendations of trends that can allow a grander embrace of his
organization throughout the next two years to ensure that he can meet the bottom line. I will also
discuss reasons of technology advancements directly impacts those trends and what possible
challenges could arise for his organization.
Positive Trends for the Bottom Line
The organization, Prosper Senior Care (PSC), they have performed in a manner that has
been positive for the elderly population the past few years as a small business trying to make in
the competitive market. Through the implementations of new projects and initiatives that have
ultimately eradicated increased efficiencies through the promotion and encouragement of
employee engagement and participation, that have also attained various objectives that have
allowed them to lose track of their ultimate goals. Such hinders have permitted Mr. Ottenberg to
develop behaviors that have not maintained or improved the insufficiencies with the
advancement of the company.
Through the advancement, they remained on the goals for the smaller portion of the
company not realizing that they had to develop grander opportunities to keep up with the
improvements of the organization. Therefore, I recommend that remaining focused on what the
current trends are throughout the industry, will have positive impacts on the bottom line which
represents the people, planet, and profit of the organization. Below are various trends in which I
recommend to the CEO of Prosper Senior Care (PSC):
o Promoting the well-being of employees- taking care of employees allows them to
remain focused, motivated, and allows them to feel as if they are the reasons the company
is successful. If employees are demotivated at doing their jobs, then there will be no
satisfaction with consumers (PR Newswire, 2015). If employees developed a feeling of
disconnectedness or unappreciated, the jobs in which they have been assigned to would
not be conducted appropriately. Engaging employees helps them become better and
enables them to develop a sense of belonging to the organization as opposed to just being
another employee of the shift. Establishing a health workforce helps drop healthcare costs
while remaining on top with a competitive advantage. Regardless of how superior
business model is, there are still employee teams that need to be redesigned, built, sold,
and improved upon to service patients with their needs (Bersin, 2015).
o Responsibility on the Corporate Level: Corporate Social Responsibility or (CSR)
pertains to how the operations of the organization are through accounts of social,
environmental impacts in which are directly created by the structure itself as McPherson
(2014) explains. Corporate Social Responsibility is a vital obligation of any established
organization or business of policies that assimilates specific responsibility practices
throughout the operations that are conducted on a daily basis. Such operations are
reported on progress and enforce executions to be established if not on target. The
employees of any organization progressively seek out their paychecks and benefits if
provided, so, therefore, seeking out to those employees and requesting their inputs and
views on the operational practices can coincide (Bersin, 2015). For a small business in
the competitive market as PSC is, there are multiple ways in which the CEO can retain
talented and progressive employees who meet the demands of his organization while the
company continues to foster in improvements through their working conditions.
As Smyth (2015) states, when an organization begins adopting a policy that reflects the
social responsibility of benefits towards employees, the team and the environment can
prosper in the following manners:
i. The financial performance of the organization will begin improving
ii. Employee volunteer programs
iii. Renewable resources will be put to better uses
o Total organizational/leadership transparency: Employees need to have access to all
relevant expertise and information in today’s increasingly competitive, rapidly and
connected changing business environment, wherever it may exist and trust it enough to
utilize it (Bersin, 2015). This is incomprehensible without the receptiveness and
straightforwardness of the association. Straightforwardness remains for genuineness and
open correspondence on the grounds that to be straightforward, and the association must
will to share data when it is even awkward. At the end of the day, Prosper Senior Care
must be forthright and noticeable about the moves it makes and whether those activities
are tried and true with its esteems. For the organization to be straightforward to its
partners, the association to adjust its principles to its esteems to dispense with fear with
raising and revealing troublesome issues (PR Newswire, 2015). Straightforwardness
makes the air for chiefs and workers to concede botches securely, consequently can
transparently manage challenges successfully. Straightforwardness leads proactively
unraveling challenges previously they keep on having harming impacts. The decrease in
quality issues builds consumer loyalty which at that point reinforces the association’s
primary concern.
Impact of technology on these trends
With advancements in technology on the rise, this can be an incredible and
transformative way to influence a positive outlook for PSC throughout the competitive
environment in the modern times. From the shift of consumer choices to how the reshaping will
take place through the organization, services being delivered, and products being offered
(Youlnc, 2013). There are multiple ways in which advancing technology protocols through the
organization of PSC will have on the trends of the team. Those positive impacts could consist of
having innovation methods meeting the consumers appetites of what they want and to meet their
needs through how PSC can adjust their operations while meeting the demands of the market.
Therefore, it becomes essential for the CEO to incorporate such newer and advanced technology
methods to ensure that their daily activities are more convenient while meeting consumers
desires (Youlnc, 2013).
Challenges in adopting suggested trends
Employee well-being: it can become expensive while implementing ways in the adoption of this
type of trend but in the end, it will bring more positive results to the organization. Such
employee engagements of well-being and adopting programs to ensure that employees remain
motivated and engaged can become an expensive task. However, a solution that I recommend is
that the CEO of PSC employees various financial measures and protocols for the arrangement of
employees through a based notation of capacity to strengthen employee retention rates.
Organizational Transparency: PSC must come to an understanding that such potential
downfalls and negative impacts of implementations can also become distorted and
misrepresented on all levels of the organization. When dealing with such challenges,
stakeholders would have to conform and adopt a platform in which seeks answers while sending
queries so that positive feedback could be gathered and retained.
Corporate Social Responsibility: Due to economics run, the social and global markets are there
are lose houses based upon the commitments of being socially responsible with any organization.
Such consequences of not being socially responsible can negatively impact the success of the
business or organization due to the fact all affects the companies directly and indirectly. PSC
shouldn’t view Corporate Social Responsibility as an end to itself nor should PSC perceive such
tools to be utilized and then thrown out the door when they feel it is no longer needed.
To conclude, there are various benefits in how PSC can adopt trends throughout the next
two years to establish clear goals and success for the CEO and his organization. The challenges
that arise while adopting such goals and conducting implementations of technology can have
many implications in which have been discussed. However, it always a vital component for any
organization to remain positive while enforcing a positive impact on such challenges through the
trends in which they have been recommending implementing. The organization of PSC, the
society, and communities, as well as the market share value, will be highly increased thus,
measuring such implementations to adopt the trends so the bottom line can become strengthened.
Bersin, J. (2015). Culture: Why it’s the hottest topic in business today. Retrieved from on Oct. 12, 2017
Bersin J. (2015). Trends and Trendsetters. Retrieved from on Oct. 12, 2017
Fairlie R W., Reedy E.J., Russell J., Morelix A. (2015). The Kauffman Index: National Trends.
Retrieved from
2015/05/kauffman_index_startup_activity_national_trends_2015.pdf on Oct. 12, 2017
Hewitt A. (2014). 2015 Trends in Global Employees Engagement. Retrieved from on Oct. 12, 2017
McPherson S. (2014). Eight CSR Treds to watch out for in 2015. Retrieved from on Oct. 12, 2017
PR Newswire (2015). Global Employee Engagement Levels Have Plateaued, and Average
Employee’s Perception of the Work Experience is Deteriorating. Retrieved from
U%3d#AN=201506030935PR.NEWS.USPR.CG24118&db=bwh on Oct. 12, 2017
Smyth, Julie (2015). Corporate Social Responsibility. Retrieved on Oct. 12, 2017 from
U%3d#AN=103076929&db=bth (2013). Top 5 Technology Challenges for Business Owners. Retrieved from
on Oct. 12, 2017
The current issue and full text archive of this journal is available at
Leaders and their use of
motivating language
Management Monash University, Caulfield, East Australia
James C. Sarros and Elvira Luca
Iain Densten
School of Business, Monash University Malaysia,
Jalan Lagoon Selatan, Malaysia, and
Received 18 June 2012
Revised 24 August 2012
20 January 2013
11 March 2013
Accepted 12 March 2013
Joseph C. Santora
International School of Management, Paris, France
Purpose – The purpose of this paper is to use Motivating Language Theory (MLT) as a framework
in determining leader use of different language styles during times of dynamic change.
Design/methodology/approach – This exploratory study of executive members of the Australian
Institute of Management examined how MLT may provide a mechanism for analyzing what leaders
say in the context of a work setting. Written transcripts of interview data were analyzed to determine
leaders’ use of three language styles: meaning-making (locutionary), direction giving (perlocutionary),
and empathetic (illocutionary) language. The software program NVivo was used to help aggregate
themes emerging from written and interview data into discrete modules to enable more robust and
comprehensive analysis of the data.
Findings – A range of issues pertinent to the way executives lead and manage their businesses,
both in private and not-for-profit organizations, was identified in this study. Direction giving language
was most prominent in management activities and leadership that was strategic or people related,
followed by meaning-making and empathetic language. The findings suggest that business leaders
could develop a repertoire of language approaches in order to achieve organizational outcomes.
Research limitations/implications – More research of the language of leadership and its implications
for organizational outcomes is warranted. For instance, the strategic integration of motivating language
with a compatible set of leader behaviors, organizational objectives, and cultures may reveal mechanisms
as yet unknown for achieving outcomes. Research is needed to determine the content and construct of these
behaviors, objectives, and cultures. Some questions also remain regarding the appropriateness of using the
Motivating Language Scale to examine the types of language used by managers and leaders in the work
place. The authors recommend further application of MLT through the Motivating Language Scale in order
to help clarify these queries.
Originality/value – This paper used MLT as a framework for identifying leader use of different
language styles during times of dynamic change. MLT has been used to identify the speech patterns of
leaders during verbal communication exchanges with staff and work colleagues, but this study is the
first example of the use of MLT when examining leader responses to interviews and in their written
responses to survey questions.
Keywords Leadership, Communication, Motivating language, Interviews, Qualitative data
Paper type Research paper
Leadership & Organization
Development Journal
Vol. 35 No. 3, 2014
pp. 226-240
r Emerald Group Publishing Limited
DOI 10.1108/LODJ-06-2012-0073
Leadership and language
Leader communication
Leaders communicate verbally as well as through their actions and behaviors. In this
paper, our focus is the type of language leaders use as they deal with workplace issues.
King (2003, p. 1205) states that “managing is about talk,” where the power of language
through “its ontological capacity [structures] our actions in the context of perceived
realities” (for further evidence see Astley, 1985; Gergen, 1992; Sandelands and Drazin,
1989; Westwood and Linstead, 2001). Without the capacity to involve others in their
strategic vision for the company, leaders lose their impact (Farkas and Wetlaufer, 1996;
Ireland and Hitt, 1999). Conger (1991, p. 31) states that “effective leaders [are] skillful
craftsmen of their organization’s mission [and] communicate their missions in ways
that maximize their significance.” In his study of powerful international leaders and
statesmen such as Margaret Mead, Martin Luther King, Margaret Thatcher, and
Pope John XX111, Gardner (1995, p. 22) writes of the cognitive and cultural elements of
leadership that reside in the minds of leaders and in their work cultures. This approach
deals with the stories and struggles that constitute a leader’s mission in life. Gardner
(1995, p. 55) illustrates and evaluates the stories of leaders by listening to their words
and reading their thoughts, thereby establishing a sense of value and meaning in the
words and actions of these leaders: “introspection and discussion are additional
sources of value systems.”
Yukl (2002) claims that the verbal behavior of leaders comprises up to 82 percent of
their work time when communicating goals to followers, clarifying standards, or
giving feedback. This perspective of managerial behavior has not fundamentally
changed since Mintzberg (1973) first identified the variety, brevity, and fragmentation
of managers’ work, which frequently was interspersed with verbal interactions.
An update on Mintzberg’s (1973) study by Gentry et al. (2008) confirms that managers
still maintain communication (verbal and written) as a key facet of their role. And
this communication has impact. For instance, Mohr and Wolfram’s (2008) study of
140 leaders and 455 direct reports in Germany found that verbal consideration was
associated with lower levels of follower irritation, and higher levels of job satisfaction
and affective commitment.
Another study illustrates the power of language, spoken, and written. Emrich et al.
(2001) examined US presidents’ speeches from Washington (first year in office 1789)
to Reagan (first year in office 1981) and found that when image-based rhetoric such
as “sweat” instead of “work,” “frontier” instead of “limit,” or “dream” instead of “idea”
were used, the higher the president’s charisma level, and the more favorable historians’
assessments of his greatness. This finding is consistent with Bass’s (1985, p. 28)
assertion that top managers possess “the ability to create, articulate, and communicate
a compelling vision that induces commitment to it, clarity about it, and support for it.”
Leaders today are increasingly subject to public scrutiny through the electronic
media, so what they say not only has greater immediate impact, but also demands that
the message is understood as intended. From that perspective, this paper reports on
our study of interviews with leaders from various industry groupings, and is delimited
to the spoken word interpreted through interview transcripts. The interview data
helped answer the first research objective of this study:
(1) To identify the type of leadership enacted in times of dynamic global economic change.
Tierney (1996, p. 374) comments on the need to examine more closely language as
“a key area of investigation” in leadership research. Tierney (1996) believes that the words
of leaders help explain the social and historical dimensions in which an organization
exists. Similarly, Bryman et al. (1996, pp. 353-354) identify “a growing interest in the
use of qualitative research” in the examination of organizational leadership, and cite
examples of interview studies of executives to illustrate this qualitative approach.
Biggart and Hamilton (1987, p. 439) claim that qualitative studies of leadership provide a
comprehensive understanding of leadership as “a relationship among persons embedded
in a social setting at a given historical moment.” Our present study is conducted within
these parameters of qualitative interview studies of organizational leadership.
Leaders and their
use of motivating
Lea …
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