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Assignment 3: History: Past and Future
Criminal justice practitioners need to understand the past to better perform their jobs in the
present and future. Law enforcement officials must learn from the past so that they do not
repeat the errors that have happened before and learn how to use the lessons of the past to
better serve society today.
Using the readings from the textbook, the Argosy University online library resources, and any
other outside sources, write a 2–3-page report, in which you need to do the following. You
may use UCR and NCVS as part of your research, also note that the UCR only dates back to
the 1960s and NCVS to 1973.

Compare and contrast three differences among the series of robberies, rapes, or burglaries that
occurred in the 1930s, 1960s, and in the present-day U.S.

Investigate and illustrate how positive and negative factors affected different types of crimes
(for example, murders, rapes, and burglaries) in the 1930s, 1960s, and in the present -day U.S.

Select a crime and explain how the history of your chosen crime has affected the manner in
which society has developed successful or unsuccessful methodologies for handling criminals
who commit this crime in the U.S. today.
Research the Argosy University online library resources and the Internet and other sources,
such as interviews and newspaper clippings, to discuss the crime of your choice.
Submission Details:
1. Save the report as M1_A3_Lastname_Firstname.doc.
2. By the due date assigned, submit your report to the Submissions Area.
Assignment 3 Grading Criteria
Compared and contrasted the three similarities or differences among the series of
robberies, rapes, or burglaries that occurred in the 1930s, 1960s, and in the
present-day U.S.
Investigated and illustrated how positive and negative factors affected the crime
across the three time periods.
Analyzed and explained how the history of the chosen crime has affected the
manner in which society has developed successful or unsuccessful methodologies
for handling criminals who commit this crime in the U.S. today.
Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship
in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and used correct spelling,
grammar, and punctuation.
Assignment 3: History: Past and Future: Outline [worth 100 overall points]
1. In APA format, write a 2-3-page report with at least 3 authoritative references
a. Compare and contrast three differences among the series of robberies, rapes, or
burglaries that occurred in the 1930s, 1960s, and in the present-day U.S.
[Worth 24 points]
b. Investigate and illustrate how positive and negative factors affected different
types of crimes (for example, murders, rapes, and burglaries) in the 1930s,
1960s, and in the present-day U.S. [Worth 28 points]
c. Select a crime and explain how the history of your chosen crime has affected
the manner in which society has developed successful or unsuccessful
methodologies for handling criminals who commit this crime in the U.S. today.
[Worth 28 points]
d. Wrote in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrated ethical scholarship
in the accurate representation and attribution of sources; and used correct spelling,
grammar, and punctuation. [Worth 20 points]
2. Please no plagiarism and be sure to cite and reference used work
Student Name: Ayva Jade St. Patrick
School Name: Argosy University
Course Name: CJA498 – Contemporary Issues in Criminal Justice
Faculty: Instructor David Scalise
Textbook: Burns, C. (06/2008). Critical issues in criminal justice, 1st edition. [Argosy
University]. Retrieved from

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