Solved by verified expert:Choose a research question that can be addressed using a t-test.Ensure your research question allows you to collect data to analyze.Devise a plan to collect your data.

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Project Plan: t-Test
Name: Jahavanne Gordon
A. Type of statistical test you plan to conduct (check one, and give relevant details)
◻ 2-sample t-test
a) Target populations (2): Pro football players and NBA basketball players.
b) Research variable: The height of footballers and basketball players.
c) Research question: football and basketball players need to be tall since this is an added advantage in
both sports. However, logic has it that the basket players are taller than footballers since they need to use
their height most of the time. In this case am making an examination of whether these heights of the
basketball players is larger than footballers in the leagues. This makes the null hypothesis be that the
difference between the heights of these players is not large and the alternative is that the average height of
footballers is shorter than the basketball players’ average height.
d) Expected result: since both of these two sports need good height of the players, but for basketball it’s a
bit unique since the ball must be thrown over the opponents’ height for the players to make runs and score.
This makes the assumption that the basketball players are taller than footballers more realistic. This means
am expecting to reject the null hypothesis and make conclusion than the average height of footballers is less
than that of basketball players.
B. Data collection plan (check one, and give relevant details)

I will use data from a file. Give name of file and details below.
Dataset name is Height of Football Players vs. Basketball Players
◻ Other data collection plan: Give specific details below.
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