Solved by verified expert:Hello, I need help with my Financial Accounting homework. The way you log on:1. Search for Cuyamaca.edu2. Upper right hand corner click on: Black Board3. Log onto blackboard: username: amber.ballo password: amber964. Click on Bus120 on the right hand side5. Click on Cengage on the left hand side, and click on Bus 120 on the next window6. Chapter 7 & 8 are the homework assignments that need to be completedPlease complete all the steps and fill out all the needed information. You can check your work throughout the assignments. I am hoping to get at least a 95% or better for both of the assignments. Thank you for your time.If you have any questions please let me know!
Expert answer:Financial Accounting Homework Chapter 7 and 8
by writersseek | Feb 6, 2025 | Uncategorized | 0 comments
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