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Rapidly Changing Trends of Fashion Culture
Throughout the last 10 years, people are extremely concerned with what
they wear in normal daily life. In fact, many want to get to the bottom of
what could set them apart from others in a crowd; and, yes, trendy clothes
proved to be a good way to make a difference in this regard. Since the
beginning of the 21st century, fashion industry as a whole has seen a serious
breakthrough in terms of a mission it is intended to deliver. In these
turbulent times, the fashion business has to constantly change and move in
entirely different directions. One thing is certain: the fashion business
stands out as a vehicle to influence people’s attitude towards
societal issues in general and towards each other in particular. With
the higher incomes in the United States, people’s demands regarding the
fashion trends they give priority to have seen dramatic changes; especially,
a number of people demonstrate a strong desire to get everything on their
doorstep. Moreover, the integration of digital technologies has changed the
perception along with the demands of America’s customers; to put the
matter differently, the masses reinterpreted the attitude towards the extent
to which fashion industry can shape the ongoing reality. As for the fashion
business, it is highly impacted by celebrity endorsement; sure enough, social
networks create a platform for celebrities to affect fashion trends by
democratizing the process. Also, social networks through democratization
give people the chance to more easily capitalize and sell their own unique
ideas of the fashion.
Fashion industry is endlessly in growth phase all around the world,
especially in the United States. Yes, people are gradually becoming more
fashion conscious consumers; indeed, they want to differentiate themselves
from others through their clothing styles (Barrett). It is largely because of
the reason that people are able to get the latest information regarding the
fashion industry through an increased advancement in the digital
technologies. Now, fashion trends are rapidly changing, and these trends are
changing the mindset as well as the perception of people with regard to the
highly adopted fashion trends. Also, many are firmly minded to claim that
the integration of different cultures in a single culture is likely to be
translated into reality because of the latest changes in the e-commerce
activities and advancements in the digital technologies that have created a
huge awareness about the changing fashion trends.
For instance, one can come across the merging of different cultures,
which in turn works towards changing the fashion trends to a great extent. It
can be understood by considering the latest practice of Americans to adopt
Chinese culture. In the United States, it can be seen that people launched
the campaign aimed at adopting Chinese culture, in terms of clothing and
The Chinese fashion is highly appreciated within the United States;
logically, Chinese fashion trends are rapidly being adopted by Americans.
One significant example can be seen from latest Milan Fashion Week, Prada
2017 S/S collection, which also came up with a Chinese theme collection
that features feather and Chinese style button clothes. It shows that the
fashion culture is influenced by the public’s awareness, not celebrities.
Nowadays, customers need fast fashion, and this very statement can be
explored proceeding from two different perspectives. It is not an
exaggeration to say that most of people tend to favor for online stores in
order to save their time and cost of buying clothes. The second most
important factor is that people are getting more fashion conscious, and they
prefer quick changes in the fashion so that they can develop a separate
identity from others. So, it is right to argue that the fashion industry is not
only shaped by the celebrity endorsements but also these fast-changing
trends are influencing the producers of clothing line and the patterns of
consumers to buy trendy clothes.The traditional clothing elements are
combined with trends of modern clothing to interpret the designs of national
costumes. Besides these efforts, modern western designers are also
inheriting, improving and developing the essence of these elements so that
the newly designed clothes could have a lasting appeal.
This image of the fashion industry is changing rapidly largely due to
changes in terms of demands and expectations of America’s customers. And
these changes need to be viewed as the result of a great revolution within
the area of the fashion industry, and it can be argued that these trends and
clothing style have been adopted by modern-day customers, usually as
formal or semi-formal wear. In “Language of Fashion”, the author Barthes
has described the fact that dress and dressing should be considered two
different categories for the designers and the dress manufacturers (Barthes).
It is imperative to understand that moving from dressing to dress is the
most important aspect of the sociological study of fashion.
It becomes apparent that fashion trends are changing rapidly, and these
trends are making people more indulged in the buying patterns of fashion
clothes. Today, marketers sharpen their focus on coming across the latest
techniques for targeting the customers, such as by integrating digital
technologies and by providing them with the facilities of e-commerce stores
through online shopping ( These trends are providing customers
with a platform to make purchases online.
An example of this phenomenon can be understood by the fact that if there
is a fashion of wearing a coat over arms or it becomes a part of the dress,
the community members make it a distinctive mark, and this trend will be
greatly followed and adopted by manufacturers. By adopting this trend, the
manufacturers actually started manufacturing coats with internal straps so
that the coat could be supported without rolling the sleeves up (Twigg). The
fashion is always a part of a dress, and minor changes in the dressing style
introduce may introduce an entirely new clothing style.
After a careful consideration, it seems to be clear that the fashion industry
should be referred to as being unique from other fields of manufacturing;
the focus here lies in arguing that the fashion business can be noted with
affecting not only clothing, but every aspect of daily life. When speaking the
fashion industry, one should know that it sometimes tends to put unrealistic
ideas with reference to how people need to act in their daily life. Anyway, the
fact remains that the fashion itself has totally changed. Because of the
increased awareness of cultural changes, the fashion has gone beyond the
limits of clothing. It cannot be overstressed that socio-cultural changes have
a strong influence on the trends and lifestyles. These trends are greatly
studied by fashion designers willing to come up with new and creative ideas
with a view to meeting the demands of customers. Based on what the
masses said, Internet together with related digital technologies needs to be
developed widely. It follows from this that online shopping will evolve over
the next few years, thereby marking further step for clothing industry
development. And obviously, the rise of online shopping represents a
positive evolution. As fashion is democratized within the United States today,
those developments on new clothing styles are absolutely free to create
whatever they consider appropriate; this usually means combining and
contrasting styles in one outfit.
Work Cited
Barrett, Claer. Fast Fashion for Fast Consumers.ProQuest 21 Feb. 2011. Web.
23 Oct. 2017
Barthes, Roland. The Language of Fashion. A&C Black, 2013. Print. Cultural Influences on Trend Forecasting. 6 Jan. 2010. Web. 23
Oct. 2017.
Twigg, Julia. “Clothing, Identity and the Embodiment of Age.”Textile-led
Design for the
Active Ageing Population (2014): 13. Print.

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