Solved by verified expert:One of the major components of your organization’s strategic plan is to improve patient confidentiality. For this Assignment, you will assess the security of the EHR (PointClickCare) system in your organization. You should: Identify the top three weaknesses observed. Choose one weakness and provide an EBP solution that could be implemented organization-wide to improve the security of EHR data and information. This plan should include all seven layers of The Trust Framework. Create a plan to evaluate the effectiveness of this new initiative (include the metrics that could be used to demonstrate the plan has been effective). Include at least 5 references. See the grading rubric under Course Resources for details on how this Assignment will be evaluated. Assignment Requirements The finished Assignment should no more than ten (10) pages, excluding the title page and references. The viewpoint and purpose of this Assignment should be clearly established and sustained.References must by in APA format and include digital object identifier (DOI) (where applicable) and URL (where applicable)
Expert answer:Assess the security of the Electronic Health Recor
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Science | 0 comments
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