Expert answer:Choose oneOption #1: Chronic Disease Fact SheetImagine that you will be attending a national professional health-association meeting and have been asked to share information relative to the problem of chronic disease in your state. As part of your presentation, you have decided to prepare a fact sheet for distribution to your audience. The fact sheet should include the most current county data for your place of residence that is available to you. Strive for data published within the past five years.Create a one-page fact sheet or poster/brochure that presents statistical data on two chronic diseases that are impacting your county (e.g., cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc.). Include data on the incidence rates of newly diagnosed cases of each chronic disease during a specified year and the prevalence of actual number of cases at a specific period of time in general and by gender and race.Research and locate the most current mortality rates that are available to you for the two chronic diseases in general and by gender and race that are impacting your county. Strive for data published in the past five years.Prepare one to two additional pages of narrative that include the following:An analysis of the data presented within the fact sheetA discussion on how a population-health approach could be used to address existing or potential healthcare disparities gleaned from your researchA description of an initiative implemented at the local, state, or national level that addresses one of the health issues presented in the fact sheet.Support your thinking with at least two credible sources (e.g., industry white papers or peer-reviewed journals, for example) in addition to the course textbook and the source of the data. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find your sources. Your paper must follow the requirements in the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA. Did you know that the CSU-Global Library has a research guide for Healthcare Management and Administration? Visit and for specific guides to databases, videos, company and industry research, and more.Option #2 : Chronic Disease EssayYou are employed by a nonprofit health consortium that is interested in funding a population health- focused initiative that is designed to alleviate the problem of chronic disease in your county of residence. You have been asked to prepare a report that provides insight on chronic disease illnesses prevalent in your county for potential funding consideration. The fact sheet should include the most current county or state data that is available to you. Strive for data published within the past five years.Compose an essay that addresses the following.Provide statistical data on two chronic diseases that are impacting your county (e.g., cancer, diabetes, hypertension, etc.). Include data on the incidence rates of newly diagnosed cases of each chronic disease during a specified year and the prevalence of actual number of cases at a specific period of time in general and by gender and race.Include data on mortality rates for each disease. Present this information in the form of a table that is included within the body of the paper, not to exceed one page.Include a narrative analysis of the data presented in the table.Discuss how a population-health approach could be used to address existing or potential healthcare disparities gleaned from your research.Description of an initiative implemented at the local, state, or national level that addresses one of the health issues discussed.Your assignment must:Be two to three pages in length, not including the required title and references pages. Requirements #2, #3, and #4, above, should not exceed a total of two pages.Be supported by at least two credible sources (peer-reviewed or well-respected industry sources), in addition to the course textbook. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find your sources. Be sure to include your sources used on the required references page.Be formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA.NOTE: Did you know that the CSU-Global Library has a research guide for Healthcare Management and Administration? Visit and for specific guides to databases, videos, company and industry research, and more.

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Running head: INSERT FIRST 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE [double click to edit]
Title of Paper
Student’s Name
Course Number (ORG500) – Name of Course (Foundations of Effective Management)
Colorado State University – Global Campus
Instructor’s Name
August 6, 2010
INSERT FIRST 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE [double click to edit]
Title of Paper
This is your introduction. If you need help writing this paper you can view the Writing
an Effective Paper handout/tutorial which is located in the Library under the Library Tutorials.
Please note: this template has not translated appropriately in some Microsoft products. Please be
sure the paper you submit adheres to APA formatting standards. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor
euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin
im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore
magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata
sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim veniam, quis nos In a tsvulpate velt esse meleste at
semper manet sola. UT lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semp fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi
enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat.
Level 1 Header (Example: Leadership and Diversity)
The Level 1 Header is going to be a broad topic. The Level 2 Header is a subtopic under
Level 1 and Level 3 Headers is a subtopic under Level 2 Header, and so on. Depending on your
topic and your outline, you may not use all the Headers. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis
mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin im
veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore
magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata
sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim veniam, quis nos In a tsvulpate velt esse meleste at
semper manet sola. UT lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semp fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi
enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat.
INSERT FIRST 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE [double click to edit]
Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste
at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi
enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod
tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim
Level 2 Header – This is a subtopic of Level 1 (Example: Leadership)
Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste
at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi
enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod
tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim
veniam, quis nos In a tsvulpate velt esse meleste at semper manet sola. UT lacreet dolore magna
aliquam sic semp fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat.
Level 3 Header – Indented, boldface, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body
text after the period. This is a subtopic of Level 2 (Example: Team communication.). Ipsum
lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet dolore magna
si napi. Wisi e nim admin im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste at semper
manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi enim ad
minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei
auminiure dolor in esse.
Level 4 Header – Indented, boldface, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin
body text after the period. This is a subtopic of Level 3 (Example: Public speaking.). Ultaceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim. Ulta ceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin im
INSERT FIRST 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE [double click to edit]
veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore
magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata
sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim
Level 5 – Indented, italicized, lowercase heading with a period. Begin body text after the
period. This is a subtopic of Level 4 (Example: Posture and tone.). Ipsum lorem vei illum sat
dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim
admin im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet
dolore magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi enim ad minim veniam. Dolore
eu sata sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse.
Ultaceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim veniam, quis nos In a tsvulpate velt esse
meleste at semper manet sola. UT lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semp fi tyrannis erat
volutpat. Wisi enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat.
Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste
at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi
enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod
tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim
Level 2 Header (Example: Diversity)
Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste
at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi
enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod
INSERT FIRST 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE [double click to edit]
tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim
veniam, quis nos In a tsvulpate velt esse meleste at semper manet sola. UT lacreet dolore magna
aliquam sic semp fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat.
Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ulta ceet
dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim admin im veniam, quis nostrud. In atsvulpate velt esse meleste
at semper manet sola. Ut lacreet dolore magna aliquam sic semper fi tyrannis erat volutpat. Wisi
enim ad minim veniam. Dolore eu sata sfeugiat. Ipsum lorem vei illum sat dolor euis mod
tincidunt vei auminiure dolor in esse. Ultaceet dolore magna si napi. Wisi e nim ad minim
INSERT FIRST 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE [double click to edit]
Carroll, A. B. (1979). A three-dimensional conceptual model of corporate performance. The
Academy of Management Review, 4(4), 497. [This is a journal article citation. Articles
from the Library databases are based on print journals so the citation will end with page
Collins, J. (2001). Good to great. New York, NY: HarperCollins Publishers Inc. [This is a book
Epstein, M. J. (2008). Making sustainability work. San Francisco, CA: Greenleaf
Publishing Limited.
Epstein, M., & Roy, M. (2003). Improving sustainability performance: Specifying, implementing
and measuring key principles. Journal of General Management, 29(1), 15-31.
French, S. (2009). Critiquing the language of strategic management. The Journal of Management
Development, 28(1), 6-17. doi: 10.1108/02621710910923836 [This is a journal article
citation from a Library database. Include a doi number if available.]
Ginter, P., Ruck, A., & Duncan, W. (1985). Planners’ perceptions of the strategic management
process. Journal of Management Studies, 22(6), 581-596.
Hollingworth, M. (2009, November/December). Building 360 organizational sustainability. Ivey
Business Journal Online. Retrieved from [This is a journal that
is published online, so you would include the URL.]
Reuters. (2010). Walgreens Co. (WAG.N). Retrieved from
INSERT FIRST 50 CHARACTERS OF TITLE [double click to edit]
Walgreens. (2010a). Mission statement. Retrieved from [This is a website citation
with a corporate author. If you retrieve information from various pages of this particular
website, you need to cite each web page. However, because the author and the year will
be exactly the same, the lowercase letters, “a,” “b,” etc. need to be added to the year. The
in-text citation would be: (Walgreens, 2010a).]
Walgreens. (2010b). Our past. Retrieved from

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