Solved by verified expert:please make it on time NO PLAGIARISM ALL IN APA FORMAT700 WORDS AND 5 REFERENCES write 700 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas.Enterprises are accumulating substantial amounts of data that are necessary for their business operations. As the quantities of data increase and the systems and processes that are used to manage these data become more complex, enterprises need better management of the content. The term enterprise content management (ECM) is used to describe this management process. For this discussion, research the library and Internet for information about ECM, and respond to the following questions.Select 1 of the 3 key aspects (data acquisition, data storage, or information delivery), and discuss its importance in the design of a data warehouse.Why do you think the aspect that you picked is important to an organization?PLEASE MAKE GOOD ONLINE RESEARCH ON THIS ASPECTS AND ANSWER IN DETAIL AND MENTION THE BEST IN WRITING Note- No plagiarism,minimum of 700 words and 5 good APA reference PLEASE BE IN TIME
Expert answer:please please no plagiarism and make good online r
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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