Solved by verified expert:Kap Bank is a financial organization in Downtown Dallas with branch offices in 12 locations in the United States and one small office in London, England. Kap Bank has web servers on the Internet and processes over 10,000 financial transactions online. The network for Kap Bank is divided into two segments (subnets) – Subnet A and Subnet B. Subnet A is Kap Bank intranet and Subnet B is the buffer between the intranet and the Internet.Kap Bank does not have many controls in place to protect its digital resources. A one hour outage can cost Kap Bank over $100,000 in profit. Spam and phishing have been growing within the organization and are now impacting productivity of users. Upper management is concerned and has asked you to provide a short report of what the organization needs to do to minimize this continued risk.Research a minimum of three industry resources (e.g., National Institute for Standards & Technology [NIST], Institute of Electrical and Electronic Engineers [IEEE], Internet Engineering Taskforce [IETF], etc.) and develop a report that your management can used to educate and convince decision makers to invest in cyber defenses. For this assignment, do not limit yourself to infrastructure risks and their compensating controls but to all digital assets. Your initial post should be at least 300 words.
Expert answer:Can someone answer this scenario?
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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