Solved by verified expert:Deliverable: Draw an Entity-Relationship Diagram using ER-Assistant or equivalent software to capture data requirements for Mama Mia’s Pizzeria. The deliverable is a complete ER model, and a relational schema to document the data model for the following scenario.The ER diagram must include the necessary entity classes and all attributes specified in the description.Identifiers for all entity classes must be shown clearly.Relationships must be named, with cardinalities clearly shown.Write down your assumption clearly if necessaryPLEASE UPLOAD a zip file INCLUDING THE ER MODEL AND THE RELATIONAL SCHEMA (a separate word document) to Canvas, Assignment 1. All entity class names and attribute names should start with your initials. ( my initalas is MA)Case Description Mama Mia’s (MM) pizzeria offers pizzas, breadsticks, and Buffalo chicken wings for carry out customers only. Customers phone in the order and come by to pick up their order. When regular customers call MM over phone, they are asked for their phone number. New customers must provide this information before placing orders.Once the order is taken, the tax, and order total is computed. The order is then printed and submitted to the kitchen where the order is prepared. A receipt is printed and given to the customer. Payment from the customer should be in check or cash only.Customers may provide coupons. Coupon information (discount applicable and validity period) must be provided when placing the order and the coupon must be submitted when picking up the order.MM has a set of suppliers who supply the ingredients for their products (pizza & breadsticks) such as flour for pizza crust, cheese, a variety of toppings, chicken wings, spices, as well as other ingredients for the pizza sauce.MM would like to design a system that would serve the following purposes: Facilitate order acceptance and trackingFacilitate generation of daily, weekly, and monthly sales summariesFacilitate generation of products sold on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis.Facilitate tracking promotional sales (the ones with coupons).To maintain the inventory of ingredients so that they can identify which supplier to call if they need a particular ingredient and to keep track of the amount of each they have on hand and on order.To know the customer preferences in terms of what the customer usually orders. For example when a customer calls in and gives his/her phone number and says “the usual”, MM knows exactly what to prepare! MM believes that this will save customers a lot of frustration.
Expert answer:I want help ASAP
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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