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Research Project Proposal – The Use of Pnuemonia
Vaccine for Prevention of COPD
Quynh Doan
South University Online
The analysis entails determining whether the current approaches to dealing with COPD
exacerbations are sufficient or whether there is a need to take additional steps to solve
this problem.
COPD exacerbations have been on the rise and present enormous suffering among the
people who contract the disease.
Researchers have linked lung infections to Streptococcus pneumoniae bacterium and
they therefore regard it as a serious problem that should be resolved.
However, most of these researchers agree that there is a need to solve the situation with
urgency as it has proved to be very challenging, significantly burdening families,
individuals and communities who have been exposed to the illness.
Research problem
Exacerbations of COPD have created an enormous socioeconomic burden among the
Current research has associated frequent exacerbations with an increase in health care
costs as well as a declining state of health and wellness within society.
One option for the health practitioners is to recommend the use of influenza and
pneumococcal vaccines to prevent the disease and help foster a healthy population free
of the disease.
Problem statement
Despite the aforesaid efforts by the researchers to facilitate effective management and
self-care in pneumonia patients, gaps still exist concerning whether the patients are
aware of the benefits of using Pneumonia vaccine to reduce COPD exacerbations.
Vaccination is one of the methods that have been applied at the clinical level as a
preventive measure for COPD exacerbations.
Currently, there are two types of Pneumonia vaccines which include the pneumococcal
conjugate vaccine (PCV13) and the pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV23).
Research Purpose
The purpose of this research is to determine whether the use of pneumococcal vaccine
can help reduce or prevent the cases of COPD exacerbations.
There is no debate as to the clinical or applicable value of the use of the vaccine, as it
has been used effectively and tested to be useful.
However, its application as a public health measure to combat COPD exacerbations
has not been studied.
While we can hypothesize that the vaccine can play a key role in preventing COPD
exacerbations, it is important to recognize that there could be other underlying factors
that influence the prevalence of COPD exacerbations and not just the absence of a
Research Questions, Hypothesis, and Variables
The research question for this study is stated as follows: “Does the use of pneumococcal
or influenza vaccine prevent or decrease COPD exacerbations?”
H1: There is evidence that COPD patient receiving pneumonia vaccine will show to
have decrease reoccurrence of exacerbations.
H0: No evidences found on reduced COPD exacerbations cases for patient receiving
vaccine compare to those that did not receive pneumonia vaccination on the number of
Literature review
The aim of my research proposal is to determine the impact of pneumonia vaccines and
their overall value in respect to decreased exacerbation of COPD.
It is important however to note that self-care and self-managemetn significantly
depends on the knowledge available to the patient.
When patients have significant knowledge of the existing health services for their
disease processes, they are likely to demand for the same and eliminate any myths and
perceptions that have previously held them back in utilizing the same.
This study therefore supports the hypothetical position that the nurses and care provides
have to take responsibility in teaching and educating patients and families on the
importance of vaccines and this can only happen in an environment where
communication and interaction with the patient population is significantly high.
This study by Santibáñez et al provided the researchers with an insight as they
determined that 16.4 %of the respondents had severe exacerbations varying from 9.3%
to 44% on the scale.
This research informs the need to regard patients who have had more than one instance
of COPD exacerbations to consider more direct means for preventing the occurrence,
and this includes the choice of vaccines.
A similar or related study by Tsiligianni sought to utilize the cases of four patients
who at one time had an acute exacerbation of COPD.
The study aimed to provide clear guidelines available and was utilized to prevent
exacerbations among COPD patients.
Fromer discusses the role of proactive measures in the management of COPD patients.
In this article the author notes that in as much as the management of COPD is
concerned, there is a tendency by the healthcare providers to regard acute rescue
techniques as the best strategies for managing COPD exacerbations.
In a study by Fromer, Verbrugge, Boer & Georges they analyze how Dutch nurses
managed patients with COPD in a bid to improve self-care and self-management
Acorss the literature, there is an agreement across the various research entities and
groups that the 23-valent pneumococcal vaccine can play a key role in the management
of COPD and particularly to prevent the cases of progression of the illness to severity.
Theoretical Framework
The Behaviorist Learning Theory focuses on understanding the stimuli and responses
that control learning in individuals.
The learning process is regarded as one that is guided by the various factors that modify
the environment, allowing that patients must adapt in relation to those changes.
In utilizing this theory, the assumption is that the internal aspects of the patient do not
have any influence on the behaviors and it is the environment that technically shapes
Application of Theory
The Behavior Change Theory can be applied in the concepts of this study. Health
provider can recognize behaviors critical to health; evaluate the requirements of the
person and counsels’ specific health behaviors.
Apparently, COPD can be managed or prevented effectively in cases where vaccination
is regarded as one of the strategies.
In this research, the idea is to determine the value of vaccines in management of COPD
exacerbations and at the same time ensure that the general population appreciates the
benefits of the vaccines.
The idea is to increase education between the individual patient and the care provide
where by the care provider act as the entity that modifies the environment to enable
conditioned response.
For this research, the researcher will use a sample of 156 people.
A sample less than this will not be accurate and will not be a true reflection of the study.
Using a sample greater than this one will have some financial implications on the
researcher as it will costly and hence will not allow the researcher to work within the
For this research, we will collect data from patient chart number and primary care
office. Data from this source is reliable and hence suitable for a researcher to use.
Sampling Strategy
The research will employ probability sampling: cluster sampling to get the data needed
for the complete research.
In this approach, the researcher will select samples from the whole group of people
suffering from COPD and use the samples for further study.
The researcher will employ probability sampling and select units at random.
A key reason for using this approach is that it will allow the researcher to make
statistical inferences from the samples.
Research Design
For this study, the researcher will employ experimental design specifically, completely
randomized the design.
The randomized, controlled trial describes the aim of showing whether there is any
difference between individuals who have used the pneumonia vaccine and those who
have not received the vaccine.
This approach is also helpful to enable analysis of the data using statistical tools such as
Excel and SPSS.
The individuals who have received the vaccine will be followed for one year of
observation and their condition recorded.
Extraneous Variables
Health conditions of the individuals could also produce different results as the bodies of
different people suffering from the condition could respond to the exposure to influenza
and pneumococcal vaccines in a variety of ways.
Another variable is age, which may make it difficult to determine how various age
groups might respond to the treatment or exposure to influenza and pneumococcal
vaccines, and hence might provide undesirable results.
To control the extraneous variables, individuals chosen for the study must possess a
standard metabolic rate, must not have had any other health related issues, such as heart
disease, and must not have suffered any allergic conditions in the past.
Individuals for this study will be collected and subjected to regular observation.
One group will be provided with the vaccines, while the other group will not receive
the vaccine.
After six months, all study subjects will be observed to determine whether or not those
receiving the vaccines demonstrate remarkable improvement in their health conditions.
The researcher will also employ CAT questionnaire for the study.
Description of the Intervention
Once the researcher gathers the data for the study and proves that indeed the use of the
vaccine have a positive impact in reducing the incident occurring, the researcher will
take a personal initiative to offer advice to the providers, health practitioners and
parents on the benefits of providing patients with the vaccine.
The intervention of targeting specific populations and engaging other influential leaders
to promote vaccination.
As indicted by Jarrett, Wilson, O’Leary, Eckersberger, & Larson, the greatest invention
for success in behavior change is knowledge, awareness or attitudes through eduction
embedded into rountine processes were found to be the most effective in changing
attitude toward behavior change and self- managements.
Data Collection Procedures
Data for this study will come from observation of the conditions of the patients before
and after being exposed to the vaccine.
For the observation, the researcher will make observations for both groups involved in
the study and record their condition.
At regular intervals, they will observe the condition of the patients and record them.
At the end of the year, the researcher will have recorded the data at three-month
intervals and will have obtained enough data to determine who has developed the
condition and who has not.
Data collected through the observation will span enough time to make reliable
observations of both groups. The data collected via observation will be stored in an
Excel spreadsheet.
Data Analysis
To examine the research question, a dependent sample t test will be conducted to
examine if mean differences exist patient receiving pneumonia vaccine and those that
did not receive the vaccine.
Dependent sample t test for paired means is an appropriate statistical analysis if each of
the two samples can be matched on a particular characteristic.
Given an alpha at 0.05, when a calculated t-value is larger than the critical t-value, after
considering degrees of freedom (df) for dependent samples (N – 1), the null hypothesis
will be rejected.
The dependent samples test of correlated mean differences assumes a normal
distribution or a curve that is bell shaped and symmetrical. The assumption of normality
will be examined with a One-Sample Kolmogorov-Smirnov (KS) test.
Ethical Issues
When performing the study, the research will take into consideration various ethical
The first issue is confidentiality. Individuals involved in the research study must have
their information protected as much as possible.
Another issue of concern is voluntary participation. For this research, participants will
be completely informed concerning the study and must provide their written consent in
order to participate.
The risk of harm is another matter of concern for the study group patients. All possible
risks will be explained beforehand, and the option to move out of the study at any time
will be treated with the utmost respect, especially since the treatment may precipate
unforeseen negative health issues.
Limitations of Proposed Study
Numerous barriers could arise during the study. One of the limitations could be cultural
bias or selection bias.
Selection bias might compel the researcher to collect data from a specified region and a
particular group of people.
The data collected could be considered unreliable insofar as it will not provide an
accurate picture of the entire population.
Another limitation of this research is the lack of sufficient skills to gather the data.
Very few researchers have performed a study on the subject and hence the researcher
will lack abundant, reliable sources to use during the study.
Implications of the limitations for practice
The presence of the defects could have profound impacts on the practice.
The limitations could have different levels of likelihood and magnitude.
However, the limitation could influence the researcher to collect and analyze the data in a
manner that could give a wrong impression of the data.
This move could negatively affect the nursing practices as wrong data could result in the
implementation of an approach that would not be helpful.
The limitations also could lead to a rise in the mortality rates due to the implementation of a
wrong approach.
This method, therefore, calls for more research in this field to come up with more precise and
reliable data for the nursing practices.
COPD is a chronic illness that can be managed. There is no single strategy or at least
one that is known to researchers that can accurately be regarded the only suitable
method for m management of COPD.
However, at the primary level of prevention, the use of PCV13 in children or the
PPSV23 in adults.
Healthcare providers therefore have a role to inform the patients about the usefulness of
efficacy of pneumonia vaccines.
However, there are significant barriers associated with the use of vaccines and these
could be due to cultural or religious beliefs.
The nurse or the healthcare provider employ demonstrate excellent negotiation skills as
they inform and educate these groups about the truths and myths associated with
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