Expert answer:Hi, I was wondering if you can help me with my final paper?Final Paper COMS Write about an interpersonal concept of your choosing. How does interpersonal communication help us understand this phenomenon?It can be based on a discussion we’ve had in class, a topic you, or someone else presented for the article discussion, a theory, current event, or TED Talk. You will need to: 1) illustrate the topic. 2) Explain core concepts/relevant information. 3)identify an issue, problem, or something puzzling, perplexing, or interesting. 4) If necessary, propose a solution. This assignment is to be 3 pages in length, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and APA format. You will need a minimum of five relevant sources. Sample topics: Current event(s) What can communication studies tell us about civilian-law enforcement interactions? Communication in romantic relationships Communication in the classroom Communication at work (organizational) Parent-child communication Patient-provider communication The darkside of communication Expectancy Violations Theory in practice Communication Accommodation Theory in practice A theory of your choice


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Final Paper COMS 135
Write about an interpersonal concept of your choosing. How does interpersonal communication
help us understand this phenomenon? It can be based on a discussion we’ve had in class, a topic
you, or someone else presented for the article discussion, a theory, current event, or TED Talk.
You will need to: 1) illustrate the topic. 2) Explain core concepts/relevant information. 3)
identify an issue, problem, or something puzzling, perplexing, or interesting. 4) If necessary,
propose a solution.
This assignment is to be 3-5 pages in length, 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double-spaced, and
APA format. You will need a minimum of five relevant sources.
Sample topics:
Current event(s)
What can communication studies tell us about civilian-law enforcement interactions?
Communication in romantic relationships
Communication in the classroom
Communication at work (organizational)
Parent-child communication
Patient-provider communication
The darkside of communication
Expectancy Violations Theory in practice
Communication Accommodation Theory in practice
A theory of your choice
This essay is minimum 3 pages, maximum 5 pages. It is due October 1st. Choose a movie, any
movie you want, and apply the concepts you’ve learned in this class to the movie. Though you
can choose any movie you want, I recommend sticking to one that’s already about
relationships—it might make the assignment a little easier. I’m okay with you watching the same
movie with some of your classmates, though of course your essays must be different.
Some suggested movies that might be good for this assignment:
The Last Samurai, Friends with Benefits, The Breakfast Club, Love Actually, The Break-Up,
He’s Just Not That Into You, The Proposal, Pride and Prejudice, American Beauty, Pretty in
Pink, Swingers, Friday Night Lights, Full Metal Jacket, Pulp Fiction…
Your job is to watch the movie and find concepts and theories discussed in class and in the
textbook. You will then highlight these concepts in your paper, and provide strong, detailed
descriptions of examples from the movie. An “A” paper will use the introduction to provide a
description of the plot of the movie, and then will use several concepts from the course and
demonstrate a strong understanding of the concept using examples from the movie. Also, an “A”
paper will have minimal grammar, spelling, and punctuation mistakes. Please proofread your
paper for content and format mistakes.
For example, “The Breakfast Club” is a movie about teenagers who get stuck in detention on a
Saturday morning together. They are all from different groups (i.e., jock, popular girl, weird
“emo” girl, trouble-maker, etc.) and the movie is about the development of a friendship between
these people who had never spoken before. Therefore, in my essay I will discuss the theories
about self-disclosure, and then I would provide examples from the different points of selfdisclosure from the movie, as all of the teens open up to each other over the course of the movie.
I will also talk about creation of self, because the positions these teens hold within their school
affects their perceptions of themselves. Further, my essay would address perception of others.
Being that each teen comes from a different crowd, they have perceptions of each other that they
learn about through the movie.
Again, you are free to choose any movie, and free to discuss any concepts from the course you
can find in the movie.
The purpose of this assignment is to get you to search for examples of things we’ve learned in
class, and demonstrate to me that you have a strong understanding of them by giving me detailed

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