Solved by verified expert:Hello Below I attached the 8 modules that needs to be completed. Each discussion reply for the module needs to be between 250-400 words for each of the 8 modules. Show work if necessary and be descriptive with posts. *I need Module 1 discussion turned in tomorrow so please complete and turn this in to me tomorrow before 5 pm**Module 2-8 can be turned in within the next two days since I will extend the time once I receive the module 1 discussion*. Thank you!

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Module 1: Discussion Forum (turn in module 1 tomorrow by 5 pm
the rest will be extended time from discussion post 2-8 which can be
turned in 2 days.)
Sets help to segregate and group objects. A real-life example of a set is the group of courses required for a specific
major to receive Bachelor’s Degree from this university. The grouping or segregation of classes for specific majors is
important because the university wants to ensure that the students studying the subject take the necessary classes
to be well versed in it.
Share a real-life set. Explain why the set is important and why the elements that make up the set need to be
segregated from other elements like it.
Example Set: Nike Running Shoes
Importance: This set is important because Nike makes several types of shoes such as cleats, basketball shoes,
casual shoes, boots, and flip flops, for example. If a customer is specifically looking for running shoes, being able to
segregate the Nike running shoes from other types of shoes will greatly assist the buyer.
Module 2: Discussion Forum
In the 1960s, Kwan Mei-Ko, a Chinese mathematician, discovered the Chinese Postman Problem (CPP). The CPP
arose from a dilemma faced by Chinese postmen delivering mail in the city. The postmen wanted to travel along
every road in a city to deliver letters covering the least possible distance. The problem at hand was how to find the
shortest walk to touch every edge or every location at least once. Within graph theory, a Euler cycle in a connected
graph resembles the CPP.
Describe in detail a real life example of the CPP. This would include any situation in which there are various points
that must be touched in a path, and the goal is to touch each path using the shortest distance possible.
Module 3: Discussion Forum
Advertisements for no interest, no money down, and no payments for a specified amount of time are all around us.
Consumers are drawn to these deals because, on the surface, they appear to offer an advantage and provide
financial relief for a specified amount of time.
What are some positive and negative factors surrounding this type of financing? How does interest factor into the
overall equation?
Module 4: Discussion Forum
The founding fathers of the United States established the Electoral College as a compromise between the election of
the President by a vote in Congress and the election of the President by a popular vote of qualified citizens.
One unfortunate result of this process is that the President can be elected without winning the popular vote. To some
this seems unfair, but the issue is complex. In a popular vote, the cities and states in which the country’s population
is concentrated would strongly influence election outcome, and candidates would have little reason to campaign
outside those regions.
On the other hand, the Electoral College gives large swing states and small states a disproportionate influence in
electing the President.
Having studied the various voting methods this week, which is your favorite? Explain what could be at least one
disadvantage of it and why the voting method is still your favorite. State and justify your opinions.
Module 5: Discussion Forum
Permutations are situations or outcomes in which order matters. Give a detailed example of a real life situation in
which there are different objects of which order does matter. Explain why order is important in this particular
Module 6: Discussion Forum
Although it may not be apparent, people plan their lives based on probability. For example, if you are planning to go
to the beach on Saturday, you might review the weather report to see what the chances of rain are. What is a reallife situation in which you use probability– the chances of an event occurring– to make plans or decisions? Explain in
detail why estimating the chances of the event occurring or not occurring is critical.
Module 7: Discussion Forum
Investing in stocks can be risky. Depending on the amount invested, a person stands to lose or gain a significant
amount of money. Because of this, people use various metrics and measures to determine whether or not to invest in
a specific stock.
You have been given $5000 to invest in any stock on any stock exchange. Select any stock from any exchange. Using
ten different stock prices over the past month, calculate the mean price of the stock, the range of the ten stock
prices, and the standard deviation.
Because the standard deviation is a measure of variation, based on the standard deviation explain why or why not
you would invest in this particular stock.
Module 8: Discussion Forum
A regression analysis is a statistical assessment of the association between two variables, one of which is dependent
and the other, independent. The dependent variable is y and the independent variable is x. Regression analysis is
used to find the relationships between these variables. Variables within a regression analysis can be negatively
correlated or positively correlated.
A situation in which one could model a regression analysis could be the association of hours studied and a grade on a
test. The independent variable in this situation is the hours studied, and the dependent variable is the grade on the
test because the grade is dependent the hours studied. The amount of hours one studies has a direct impact on a
grade on a test. The relationship between hours studied and the grade on the test is positive because the more
hours one studies, theoretically, the better their grade should be.
Write about a real-life situation from which one could model a regression. Explain the situation in detail, and
specifically, the independent variable and dependent variable.

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