Solved by verified expert:Assignment 3 required in syllabus, I will attach my submitted assignment 1 & 2. THREE THEMES & SIX SOURCES REQUIRED.You should aim to have at least 6 SOURCES(IMPORTANT). That should be TWO PER THEME and you should write about 3/4 to 1 page per theme. Your goal is to show what major ideas have come from previous research. First, please remember that your submitted assignment should be in essay format. The exercise that we did in class was just to give you a starting point for how to think about the assignment and how to start integrating information. Second, please remember to edit carefully and use the margin and font guidelines as outlined in the syllabus. Finally, remember to organize your essay-format assignment 3 around the themes you will be looking at. You can use section headings for this, so your paper could look like:—————————————————————————————————————-Your NameClassDate DueLITERATURE REVIEWThis is a brief introduction paragraph to set up what you will be talking about, based on the academic articles that you are using. It does not have to be long. You should have a statement that outlines the major themes.Theme OneThis is where you discuss your first theme. Here, you will tie all of the relevant authors together to talk about one theme. It is a good idea to bold and/or italicize your subheadings (that would be these ones).Theme TwoNow you move on to your next theme. Remember to only cover what is relevant to the theme, using authors to illustrate what has been done before the project that you are proposing in your final paper.Theme ThreeAgain, this is a discussion of the literature (academic articles) relevant to a third distinct theme.You can wrap up with a brief concluding statement at the end of this section. For this assignment, you will begin thinking about your major themes and your literature review. This should be a three- to five-page review of some of the literature that is relevant to your topic. Base your writing around three themes relevant to your topic. For instance, if you want to study education as a major topic, you might be interested in family dynamics, gender, and immigration. You will center your writing around these themes, using academic research to build a case and make points about the state of your topic in American Culture. You should include a bibliography with this assignment.
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Social Sciences 172AW
Winter 2018
American Culture
Social Sciences 172AW: American Culture
University of California, Irvine
Winter 2018
Teaching Assistants:
Christine Tomlinson
Office Hours: TBD
Office Location: TBD
Michelle Gardner
Office Hours: TBA
Office Location: TBA
Course Information:
Day/Time: MW 7:00-8:20pm
Room: SSTR 103
Dylan Gray
Office Hours: TBA
Office Location: TBA
Course Description:
In this course, you will learn about a variety of topics related to American culture, as well as social
scientific inquiry and academic writing. The ultimate goal will be for you to choose a topic to research
and create a paper explaining your topic within American culture.
By the end of this course, students should be able to do the following:
1) Compare and contrast different methodological approaches, noting each method’s main focus and
possible strengths and weaknesses.
2) Apply your understanding of methods and previous research to a specific topic within American
3) Express ideas, synthesize information, and assess research clearly.
Because this is an upper division writing course, you will be required to produce a piece of writing that is
4,000 words. As such, you will turn in a 15- to 20-page research proposal focused mostly on a literature
review. Please note that the 15- to 20-page requirement comes second to the 4,000-word requirement. If
you have a 15-page paper that is under 4,000 words, you will need to add to your paper.
Course Expectations and Policies:
Grades for this course will be based on attendance and participation, four major assignments, and a final
paper. Point allocation will follow this guide:
Assignment 1:
Assignment 2:
Assignment 3:
Assignment 4:
Final Paper:
Total Points:
Please note that, unless otherwise specified, assignments are due on Wednesdays.
Grading Scale
Social Sciences 172AW
Winter 2018
American Culture
Concerns About Grades
Any concerns about a grade must be discussed within one week of the grade being received.
There is no physical textbook for this course. You will have access to a free-to-use textbooks linked both
here and on the course website. You will also have access to various academic articles on a variety of
topics. Please note that reading will be assigned from the following, open source texts:
Social Science Research:
Required Writing Guide: The Informed Writer
This guide is provided in an open source format and is free-to-use. Please use it for reference and note
that there will be specifically assigned portions in the class schedule below.
APA Formatting Help:
Tips for Writing a Research Proposal:
Excused Absences and Extensions
Unless you have extenuating circumstances and an official record or note confirming an issue that
prevented you from turning in an assignment on time, there will be not extensions. In terms of attendance
points, you will be able to have one excused absence with an official record or note.
In the event of an absence, you are responsible for catching up with any lecture notes that you may have
Academic Dishonesty
Academic misconduct or dishonesty will not be tolerated in this course. Students who engage in these
behaviors, as outlined by the university, will be reported and receive a failing grade for the course. It is
your responsibility to familiarize yourself with university policy, which can be found at:
Course Schedule:
Week 1:
Introduction to the Course and Studying Culture
o Course Expectations and Requirements
o What is Culture? An Introduction to Different Kinds of Culture
Readings: Social Science Research Chapter 2; Sociology Chapter 3
Week 2:
Methods for Understanding Culture
Notes on Writing
Ideology and the American Dream
Readings: Social Science Research Chapters 3 and 4
HOLIDAY – NO CLASS – Monday, January 15th
Assignment 1 DUE: Cultural Topics
Social Sciences 172AW
Winter 2018
American Culture
Week 3:
Reading Articles and Writing a Literature Review
Writing Practice/Workshop
Readings: The Informed Writer Chapter 14; Sociology Chapter 9
Assignment 2 DUE: Methods
Week 4:
Citing and Attributing Work
Self-Expression and Personality
Culture and Social Support
Readings: The Informed Writer Chapters 3 and 9; Matsumoto (1993)
Week 5:
Writing the Introduction
Readings: Social Science Research Chapter 16; Collins (2011)
Assignment 3 DUE: Basics of the Literature Review
Week 6:
Race and Ethnicity
Questions About the Paper?
APA Formatting; Writing the Conclusion
Readings: Pyke & Johnson (2003)
Week 7:
Immigration and Culture
Writing Practice/Workshop
Readings: The Informed Writer Chapter 10; Markus & Kitayama (2003)
Week 8:
Writing the Conclusion
Readings: Grainge (2000); Stephens & Few (2007)
Assignment 4 DUE: Rough Draft
Week 9:
Popular Culture
APA Formatting
Writing Practice/Workshop
Readings: Mukerji & Schudson (1986); Kozinets (2001)
Week 10:
Popular Culture Continued
The Bibliography
Social Sciences 172AW
Winter 2018
American Culture
Final Questions
Writing Practice/Workshop
Readings: Brown (1997); Shaw (2010)
Final Paper DUE: Monday, March 19th, 7:00pm
Assignment Guidelines:
All assignments should use 1-inch margins and 12-point Times New Roman font. Assignments should be
doubled-spaced. For instances where you need to cite, use APA formatting for your citations.
For the final paper, your paper must be at least 15 pages AND 4,000 words. The page and word counts do
not include the following sections: title page and bibliography.
Note that all assignments should be submitted both to the Dropbox on EEE and to
Information for will be provided in class.
Assignment 1
For this assignment, you will need to turn in a one-page description of a topic that you would like to write
about for your final paper. This should be a brief overview of a topic in American Culture that seems
relevant, interesting, or important. Briefly describe the topic, why it would make a good subject to study
in a research paper, and what drew you to the idea.
Assignment 2
For this assignment, you should write two pages on methods that you would use to study your cultural
topic. Discuss and compare different methods, their benefits and drawbacks, and why your chosen
method is best suited for your topic. If you were to conduct a study using this method, what would your
approach look like? Discuss possible sample sizes and techniques. Describe possible problems that you
might encounter. This will serve as a foundation for your proposed methods section in your final paper.
You should cite relevant course readings on methods. You do not need a bibliography for this
Assignment 3
For this assignment, you will begin thinking about your major themes and your literature review. This
should be a three- to five-page review of some of the literature that is relevant to your topic. Base your
writing around three themes relevant to your topic. For instance, if you want to study education as a
major topic, you might be interested in family dynamics, gender, and immigration. You will center your
writing around these themes, using academic research to build a case and make points about the state of
your topic in American Culture. You should include a bibliography with this assignment.
Please note that you can take a comparative approach to your work – what might be applicable from other
cultures in American Culture? What might not be applicable and why?
Assignment 4
Your rough draft should be a close-to-complete version of your final paper. The more you have done for
your rough draft, the better your feedback will be for the final product. Keep this in mind when you work
on and submit this assignment.
This assignment should be ten- to fifteen-pages in length. For the rough draft, you should include (at
least) an introduction, literature review, proposed methods, and a conclusion. You may also provide draft
sections of your expected findings and the bibliography. As with the final paper, the introduction should
Social Sciences 172AW
Winter 2018
American Culture
set up a history/background of the topic, why it is important to study, and what your proposed study
would look like in terms of methods. You should also introduce the three major themes that you will be
discussing in the literature review. For your conclusion, recap the things that you discussed and the major
points of the literature review. What does this tell us about what to expect from your proposed study?
Reestablish why studying your topic and the three themes is important. Why should this be investigated?
Also cover any potential limitations to your study (e.g., sampling issues, biases, methodological or time
Avoid using first person. Do not say, “I want to study,” or similar things. Focus on the topic and the
themes, not you or your experiences.
Final Paper
For your final paper, you should have the following sections included: title page, introduction, proposed
methods, literature review, expected findings, conclusion, and reference list (bibliography).
For your expected findings, draw on the literature that you discuss. What would previous research lead
you to expect to find? Keep in mind your proposed methods and what is or is not possible to see or learn
while using them.
Possible lengths for each section should be around:
Introduction and Background: 2-3 pages
Literature Review: 6-11 pages
Proposed Methods: 2-3 pages
Expected Findings: 3-6 pages
Conclusion: 1-2 pages
Remember: the lengths of each section can vary and these are just general ideas of where they should
fall. With every section on the low end, you will not be able to make the lower-limit of the page
requirements. Remember also that you must be both at least 15 pages AND 4,000 words in your final
draft. If your paper is 15 pages, but under 4,000 words, you will need to add.
Influence of Religious Aspects and Beliefs in the Culture of Sioux Natives
Instructor’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code
Influence of Religious Aspects and Beliefs in the Culture of Sioux Natives
Culture refers to the complex whole of patterns of the attitudes, norms and ways of
life. The idea of culture can be perceived in how this essay will describe the Native American
tribe known as the Sioux. The Sioux tribe commonly referred to as Dakota are an Indian tribe
that is believed to be among the first inhabitants of America. The Sioux Nation is a topic of
interest as it is one of a few native tribes that have managed to maintain their heritage.
I was drawn to the Sioux tribe after reading about the Sioux Dakota access pipeline
whereby the Standing Rock Sioux had sued Energy Transfer Partners LP and the US Corps of
Engineers for violating their cultural heritage. The natives argued that the construction of the
pipeline would desecrate their sacred sites. This made me curious as I sought to know who
exactly the Sioux people are, what their way of life is and why they are so intent in protecting
their heritage. This research seeks to explore the lifestyle of the Sioux people especially in
matters regarding their spiritual affiliation and personal traits.
Who are the Sioux people? What language do they speak and what is their religion
and beliefs? The Sioux is reputable for their hunting, farming and gathering and warrior like
way of life (DeMallie, 2014). It is one of the largest of Indian tribes known to be nomadic as
they never stayed at a single place for lengthy periods. The tribes of this native group include
Mdewakanton, Wahpekute, Sisseton, Tehton, Wahpeton, Yanktonai and Yanktonai.
DeMallie, R. J. (2014). Culture and Customs of the Sioux Indians.
Research Methods
Guanhao Qiu
The topic of immigration has created deep divisions in the American society. An
important question that arises from this division is what the greatest concerns in regards to
immigration policies for the upcoming half-century will be. There are a number of different
methods that can be used to study this cultural topic. These methods are field surveys, secondary
data analysis, focus group research, and case research. Broadly, the interpretive method will be
best suited for this study. Through the method, data concerning people’s views on immigration
will be collected and used to predict what the greatest concerns for the upcoming half-century
will be (Bhattacherjee, 2012). In contrast, the positivist methods will involve coming up with
predictions and collecting data to test the predictions (Bhattacherjee, 2012). The interpretive
method’s use of inductive approach is more suitable for predicting the future.
Possible Methods
The first method that can be used to study the problem is the field survey research. The
method helps randomly capture people’s beliefs, practices, or situations from the field using
questionnaires or through an interview. The benefit of this method is that the society’s opinion
concerning immigration will be captured. The barriers to this method include respondents’ bias
and the huge sample size necessary to be able to generalize the study’s results (Bhattacherjee,
2012). Many such surveys have also been conducted there is no need to conduct a new survey.
The second method is secondary data analysis. This would involve analyzing data
concerning immigration that was previously collected by government agencies or polling
agencies. Conducting an effective field survey on the topic can be a very costly ad to some extent
infeasible. Using secondary data analysis method can help overcome these challenges. However,
the key barrier to this method is that the secondary data available may not be well suited to
address the research question (Bhattacherjee, 2012).
A third method is focus group research This method would involve bringing together a
small group of people to discuss what the greatest concerns in regards to immigration policies for
the upcoming half-century will be. The group usually consists of 6-10 people and the discussion
is usually held for about two hours (Bhattacherjee, 2012). The benefit of this approach is that it is
less costly and very feasible. A limit of the method is that the small sample size will limit the
study’s generalizability. The researcher’s subjectivity and bias can also affect the study.
My chosen method for studying the problem is the case research method. The method
will help investigate the immigration phenomenon much deeply by collecting data using a
combination of various approaches (USC Libraries, 2018). These approaches include internal or
external documents, interviews, questionnaires, and/or personal observation (Bhattacherjee,
2012). The other huge benefit of the method is that it will enable looking into the political,
social, and cultural factors that that shape people’s views and concerns on immigration
(Bhattacherjee, 2012). The case research approach will help collect as much information as it is
necessary to be able to make an informed prediction of the immigration policy issues to be dealt
with in the future.
When using the case research method, my approach will involve analyzing existing
studies and opinion polls on immigration, issuing questionnaires to a sample of 50 subjects, and
also incorporating my personal observations into the study. The key challenge that I will
encounter when using this method is being able to effectively integrate information and data
acquired from different sources. Another challenge is that it may take a longer period of time to
conduct the study (Bhattacherjee, 2012). Despite the challenges, the method will be very useful
in acquiring relevant information.
Bhattacherjee, A. (2012). Social science research: Principles, methods, and practices.
USC Libraries. (2018). Research Guides: Organizing Your Social Sciences Research Paper:
Types of Research Designs. Retrieved from
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