Solved by verified expert:Domain Controller / Active Directory (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing on Windows Server 2012 environment (Hint: from the server manager we install the role active directory domain services and then we select ,,,,,,,,, and so on)Domain Name System (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing on windows server 2012 environment(Hint: it comes as a features with the role active directory domain services and then we select configuring the forward lookup and the reverse lookup by doing,,,,,,,,, and so on)Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing on windows server 2012 environment(Hint: from the server manager we install the role DHCP server and then we configure it by entering the DHCP wizard to add the scope by ,,,,,,,,, and so on)Microsoft System Configuration Center 2007 ( formerly known as SMS server) (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing on windows server 2008 R2 environment(Hint: at first we need to install SQL Server and then )SQL Server 2012 (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing on windows server 2012 environment(Same steps followed in the above server)WEB Server (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing on windows server 2012 environment(Hint: from the server manager we install the role IIS and then we configure it by entering the IIS manager wizard to add a new website ,,,,,,,,, and so on)Exchange Server 2013 (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing on windows server 2012 environment(Hint: at first we need to install the web server role and three prerequisites and then the image and after finishing 15 roles,,,,, ecp,,, and so on)Wireless Access Point (2 pages)- brief introduction about it and the purpose of using it. – what are the steps involved while implementing it in a network (Hint: at first we need to connect it and use the web GUI to configure it)Router (1 Page)- brief introduction about it. – talk about static and dynamic routing protocol Switches ( 1 page)- brief introduction about layer 3 and layer 2 switches. – VLANs – Hot Standby Routing Protocol – Ether-Channel Firewall (1 page)- brief introduction about it. – Internal, External, and DMZ network – the use of ICMP
Expert answer:Networking
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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