Solved by verified expert:Respond to this post in 150 words or more agreeing, disagreeing, or giving an opinion. The stained glass windows in Europe’s architecture is placed strategically based on the run rise, sun set, and what each story in the stained glass window meant. For example, in the cathedral the West represents the apocalypse, the last judgment and where the sun sets. Exactly how the sun sets and hits the glass portrays just how the last judgement was described in the Bible. The North wing represents the past with stained glass images of the virgin Mary and the profits. from the old testament. The south wing is the contemporary world and has images of the new testament. The stained glass tells so many stories from the Bible. Noah’s Arch, Adam and Eve etc.. There are even some stained glass that over the 800 years are not replaceable. For the past two centuries there is a group who work hard to cut glass in the exact shape needed to make it as close to the original as possible.The main difference between the Gothic and Romanesque styles are the shape of the windows, the amount of windows in the lower level verses higher up. Another dead give away is Gothic styles tend to really stick out with the way they reinforced their structures with the unique architecture on the outside.The Chartres Cathedral reminds me allot of my home town church in Newton, NJ. The details of the structure and all the stained glass and the stories the glass in my church told was amazing to take in weekly.