Expert answer:Assignment Each student is expected to develop an independent research idea and experimental design. The research idea should relate to issues in the developing world and involve assessing the impact of some development program intended to improve the wellbeing of low income or otherwise disadvantaged individuals/households/groups. Developing a new research idea can be challenging. Usually new ideas come through reflections on personal experience, topics of personal interest, a careful reading of literature from academic or professional sources, and consultation with others. For this reason, you are encouraged to: Reflect on your personal experiences and interests related to development.Read papers assigned for this course. Excellent research ideas will not only include an assessment of the impact of a particular development program idea but will also seek to address the question of why does the program have an effect. Therefore, students should consider topics raised throughout the course, including the behavioral, mechanistic, and neuro economics topics. Furthermore, students should take into consideration the integral approach when designing their experiments and identifying the outcomes they intend to measure. For this assignment, students are required to formalize their research idea into a research proposal document. This will be a professional document that could serve as the foundation for a grant proposal or experimental design if the student wished to move forward with their research idea. It may also serve as a primer for a scholarly report if the project were to be conducted. The proposal should include at least the following sections. Some guiding questions are provided for each section to help you think about what goes in each section. I add all the Idea and only you have to write. Also, I organized everything in word document. So, I choose a topic and it’s not real so will be easy to write what you think and what I want from the word doc. It’s have to be: 1.Title Page
2. Introduction
3.Experimental Design
4.Econometric Model
5.Data Source
6.Anticipated findings
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School Dropouts in Egypt
Integral Economic Development Programs
Introduction (Introduce the question well. Clearly define the research question and why it is
important.) By answering the questions
a. Introduce the topic of the research
b. What research has come before it? What do we already know?
c. What do we not know? What is the unanswered question? What is your unique
research question?
d. Why does the reader care about your research question? Why might it be
e. This section should cite existing literature (academic.)
I need you to write two pages in the introduction about the dropout in Egypt. However, the three
reasons are:
1. Poverty in Egypt Family earns small income that’s why the let them children to leave the
school and work to help them to live. ( work in the street or hard works)
2. Low valuing of education poor family in Egypt they don’t care about school because they
believe the education is not important.
3. Few teachers/ too many students in the class there is not enough place for children in the
class and there is a shortage of teachers.
So, address all of these problems by giving an academic article with MLA sites and you have to
write how we can find which one of these three problems is the reason that made the children to
dropout the school.
Experimental Design (Clearly define the research design. Define a research design that will
successfully address the research question. Be sure to satisfy the Pre-Analysis Checklist.)
PowerPoint Topic 2
The integral approach to experimental research must be considered.
f. How would you design an experiment to address your research question?
g. What is the treatment group or groups? RCT Random
h. How do your treatments help you understand the impact of an intervention?
i. How do your treatments help you understand the reason behind the impact?
j. Are you using an RCT, a lab-in-the-field experiment, or both? Why? Only RCT
k. How is the integral approach considered in the design? You have to read this
article to answer this question.
l. Reflect upon the relationship between the intervention will interact with intrinsic
motivations. Will this crowd-in or crowd-out desirable behavior? Also, discuss
how the implementation of the study will take into account the intrinsic
motivations of the participants.
m. Sometimes figures, graphics, or tables are helpful for this section to make the
organization of treatment clear.
Here I will write my experiment design to let you understand and then you will
rewrite it by academic sentences.
So, the experiment design will to be RCT Randomized Control Trial and that
will be to choose a randomly 400 House Hold families from the poor
neighborhood in Egypt. Divide this simple size by 200 in the control group and
200 in the treatment group.
Control: in the control I am not going to give them any thing and for sure the
result will be negative.
Treatment ;The 3 treatments:
1. I will give the treatment group an unconditional cash transfer to the families to
see if that will help them in there life and to see if these families let there children
to go to the school that’s mean because of the poverty and the children need to
help in the income, I mean the reason number 1. But they did not do what the
children need (go back to school) they took the amount and the children still
2. Second treatment is (Education Information treatment) to nook the doors and
try to stay with the family and address how much education is important to there
children and try to see the mothers, fathers, and the child what is the opinion
about go back to school. And then the result will be negatively they do not
listen to me. We are trying to change the behavior. The behavior is from
PowerPoint Topic 7.
3. Third treatment I will give them both the unconditional cash transfer and the
Education Information treatment here will let the result to be negative
n. How do your treatments help you understand the impact of an intervention?
In each treatment adders how this treatment was and why is not working by
giving reasons.
o. How do your treatments help you understand the reason behind the impact? Here
you have to explanie how after each treatment
The RCT treatment will be drawn like this:
400 House Hold
Control group
(Nothing )
Treatment 1
Treatment 2
Treatment 3
Econometric Model (Clearly define an econometric model. Define a model that would identify
an unbiased impact estimate.)
p. What is your outcome variable? Enrollment
q. What are your explanatory variables? + + ∗
r. Will you look for any heterogeneous treatment effects, i.e. conduct any subgroup
s. What econometric model are you using?
Enrollment = + + + ∗ + + + + + +
t. What are potential sources of bias? From PowerPoint Topic 4
u. How are you controlling for these biases? From PowerPoint Topic 4
v. This should include an equation or equations to specify the econometric model.
Be sure to satisfy the Pre-Analysis Checklist
Enrollment = + + + ∗ + + + + + +
Data Source (Identify a sample population that is fitting for the research.)
a. Where do you intend to gather data? Why? We will collect the data by paper
survey and online survey. To see the impact of the cash transfer and information
about education affect them or not.
b. What kind of data will you gather? What are the variables that you will collect?
The variables will be
Dummy variables:
+ 1 = Unconditional cash transfer
+ 2 = Education Information
+ 3 ∗ = Unconditional cash transfer and Education Information
The other variables:
4 = family incoms
+ 5 = Mother Education
+ 6 = Father Education
+ 7 = Age
+ 8 = Gender
c. How will you collect the data? Particularly, how will you measure the key
variables in your model such as the outcome variable(s), treatment variable(s),
and key covariates?
Anticipated findings (Predict reasonable findings that could be derived from the
w. What do you expect to find?
You have to write that Experimental Design was not very helpful and explain why. Also, you
have to write the number of the families that enrolled their children to school was less that what
we aspect. For example, 90 families only from the 400. In that I recommend to do Staged Field
Experiment to change the behavior for those families that not changed from the passivity to
proactivity in different stages.
Conclusion (Clear and well thought out implications of the research and the anticipated findings.
Include a discussion about external validity.)
x. Briefly reiterate the motivation for the research.
y. Discuss why it is important and what the implications would be if you find what
you expect to find (and the implications of not finding what you expect to find).
z. Discuss external validity concerns. From PowerPoint Topic 4
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