Solved by verified expert:* I need this all done by 2/2/18 11:30pm central time. IntroductionWelcome to week three! This we we learn and study poetry, but don’t forget to keep on reading Fahrenheit 451!Learning ObjectivesWhen you successfully complete this lesson, you will be able to:Explain and describe the major characteristics and types of poetry.Analyze and interpret a variety of poems.Write an analytical composition on the poem(s).Learning ActivitiesSelect the Learning Activities folder to view the reading material for this lesson. It is important that you read ALL of the material in this folder in order to guide you through writing a clear essay, and to prepare you for your exams.Assignments DueRead all material listed in the Learning Activities folder.Participate in the discussion located at the Discussion Board link on the course menu.Continue to read Fahrenheit 451 (p. 67 – 106).Poetry Discussion: Simile/MetaphorDescribe how either simile or metaphor is used in one of the assigned poems from the chapter on Figures of Speech. This assignment is worth 15 points, as are all of the reading discussions. Make certain you use at least 250 words in your post and respond to at least one student with at least 100 words to receive your full credit.Frost DiscussionWhat type of Imagery does Frost use in his poem “Nothing Gold Can Stay”? Do his images influence your interpretation of the poem?This assignment is worth 15 points, as are all of the reading discussions. Make certain you use at least 250 words in your post and respond to at least one student with at least 100 words to receive your full credit.Poetry Literary TermsPlease choose 5 terms from the ‘poetry terms’ list from your poetry lesson and define them here. Reply to one student with an example of one of the terms they have defined from one of the poems you read for this week.These terms will appear on your exams for the semester; therefore, this is also helpful to each of you in prepping for these exams.This assignment is worth 10 points. No minimum word count; however, please summarize the terms in your own words and not “cut and pasted” from your text.
Expert answer:composition 1302
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Humanities | 0 comments
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