Solved by verified expert:Please view the following video in preparation for this assignment:Girard, K. (2013). Health care delivery systems and occupations. Retrieved from Having completed the required readings and viewed the video, you
should now have a basic understanding of the characteristics and
components of the United States health care delivery system. Health care
delivery is no longer confined to the hospital setting. Over the past
few years we have witnessed the emergence of outpatient surgery centers,
home health, hospice, etc.For this assignment, conduct additional research as needed to address the following questions:What factors have led to care being offered outside of the hospital setting?What are the advantages and disadvantages of these settings? Who benefits the most: consumers or organizations?How will the Affordable Care Act (ACA) impact this new trend? Will
it encourage more alternative settings or put care back into the
hospital setting? Explain.Length: Submit a 3-page paper