Solved by verified expert:I need a 1800-2000 words career research report by comparing two companies in APA format, NO PLAGIARIZE. Please read the prompt and sample below first, and write the paper base on my work plan (The third document)The 2 companies are Alibaba and Amazon, please make sure the source’s credibility and references in APA format.



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Career Research Project
Part 2: Career Research Report
For this report, you will research and analyze two companies, which you may want to target in your future
job searches, and you will determine which company (one, both or neither) you would prefer to work for.
The paper should be approximately 2600 min – 2800 max words and follow the guidelines for an
analytical report, focusing on conclusions and recommendations.
Read Ch. 11 – Writing and Completing Reports. Your paper should follow the format of the sample
report in Chapter 11, beginning on page 296. Because most of the information that will be presented in
the report will be from secondary sources, you must follow the APA guidelines for in-text citations, a
reference list, as well as the use of headings. Seven distinct sources are required – e.g. the company
website counts only as 1 source, even if you use several different articles from that 1 website. For
each company, you would only have 1 Marketline resource.
Report Sections (Italicized sections** are the “body” of the report, i.e. the content; these would be used
in the outline):
1. Cover Page – see pg. 296 in the textbook
2. Table of contents – see pg. 298
3. **Introduction – Present the reason why the report is being written, the nature of the
opportunity or problem you are facing,the scope of your research, sources of materials and what
conclusion you reached (direct approach). This is a brief statement about which company you
preferred as your number 1 choice of an employer. (There are several possible conclusions you
might draw – you prefer 1 of the companies over another; or both companies are appealing to
you; or neither company meets your requirements.) You will also forecast what you will be
writing about in the rest of your paper. (1/2 page)
4. **Characteristics of your “perfect” company – In this section, identify the characteristics of an
ideal employer, using both professional and personal preferences, for example – company growth
or types of products might be important to you from a professional point of view; and good
benefits or location might be important from a personal point of view. Describe each
characteristic and state why it is important to you.(1/2 – ¾ page)
5. **Company Evaluations – In this section, you will present your evidence as to why you chose
one company over another. You will report for each company the following: products and
services, customers, markets, company culture, SWOT analysis, and you will then give your
impressions of how each company would meet (or not meet) your personal criteria. (4 pages total
– 2 pages for each company)
6. **Conclusion –Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of each company and
give your final reasons for choosing one company over the other (or neither or both). (1 page)
7. **Next Steps – What will be your next steps in following up on this report as you begin planning
for your career. What do you need to do to be ready to begin your job search and choose a
company.(1/2 page)
Page 2
8. Informational Interview – Optional – See file under instructions
9. Reference page – following APA guidelines; example on the bottom of page 309.
Career Research Report on
IBM and PwC
Prepared for
Linguistics and Language Development Department
November 2, 2012
Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
MY CRITERIA ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 3
COMPANY I: IBM CORPORATION ………………………………………………………………………………. 4
SWOT ANALYSIS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 4
MY OPINION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 5
SWOT ANALYSIS ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 6
MY OPINION …………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
CONCLUSION ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
RECOMMENDATIONS …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 8
REFERENCES ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Every student has the dream of being able to work for a company that provides financial support
and helps him or her reach personal goals. The purpose of this report is to identify a company
that matches my criteria the best, such as company culture, size, benefits, and location. My major
is business with concentration in accounting, so I have the option of working for accounting
firms or in business accounting.
In this report, based on my criteria, I compared IBM, an American multinational technology and
consulting corporation, to PwC, a multinational professional services firm. Several sources were
used to gather information for comparison, including the companies’ official websites, electronic
database, any business related articles, and other online sources. From examining each
company’s background, main products and services, benefits, and their relationships with
customers and competitors, I determined the advantages and disadvantages of each company.
After reviewing the SWOT analysis and other critical information of each company, I decided
that IBM is my ideal company for employment.
To meet my criteria, my ideal company should have several characteristics that match both
professional and personal preferences. First, the company must encourage innovation. Having
the ability to innovate opens the market for a business. By continuously providing new products
and services, the company can have a better position than its competitors. Second, the company
must promote a positive workplace. A positive work environment is vital for a company to be
successful. For example, it can increase employees’ efficiency and productivity. A trusting
relationship also can create a chemistry that brings employees positive energy and makes the
business thrive. Working for a company that shows innovation and trust will allow me to be
creative and work freely without looking over my shoulder.
Furthermore, my future company must be responsible to both customers and employees. A good
company knows how to focus on its customers. Having a quick response to customers’
comments and complaints is key to gaining customers’ interest. While retaining current
customers, the company has the opportunity to attract more new customers and expand its
customer base. A good company also knows how to treat its employees. Offering employees
good benefits packages, such as health insurance and retirement plans, is a way to show
appreciation to employees so that the employees can perform their jobs well. A successful
business must be responsible for everyone in society, and I would be honored if my future
company had that characteristic. In addition, I believe a large company is more stable than a
small company. I also prefer that my future company has multiple locations, especially in Asia.
Since many of my family members live in Asia, working in Asian countries would make it easier
for me to visit them.
Company I: IBM Corporation
Background, Product and Service, Culture, and Benefits
IBM was founded in 1911, and it is the world’s largest information technology (IT) company.
The main products of IBM are computer hardware and software. Some of IBM’s influential
hardware products include hard disk drives and mainframe computers. Also, IBM has invested
heavily in software for both commercial and consumer use, including Lotus, WebSphere, and
Tivoli (Taft, 2011). Besides manufacturing and supplying IT products, IBM also provides
consulting and technology services. The company is the leader in the IT industry and “operates
in five segments: Global Technology Services, Global Business Services, Software, Systems and
Technology, and Global Financing.” Each segment performs important functions and provides
services across the world (Yahoo Finance, IBM, n.d.).
Having an innovative culture is key to IBM’s success. The company has more than 100 years of
business experience, but it continues to create innovative products. As a result, it has had the lead
in the number of U.S. patents for many years, generating thousands of patents annually. For
example, in 2008, IBM became “the first company ever to earn more than 4,000 U.S. patents in a
single year.” Also, in 2011, IBM topped the list for U.S. patents for the 19th consecutive year
(IBM: News Room, 2009 & 2012).
While providing excellent products and services to the whole world, IBM offers its employees a
competitive benefits program to attract talent. The supplemental plans for employees and retirees
are similar and cover medical, dental, and vision care. However, employees receive an additional
benefit called Employees Stock Purchase Plan. The ESPP offers eligible employees IBM stock
for a price 5% lower than the market price on the date of purchase, and each year employees may
invest up to 10% of pay but no more than $25,000 (IBM: Employment US Benefits, n.d.).
SWOT Analysis
IBM has established its leading position in the IT industry, and its blue logo is recognized as
reliable and authoritative across the world. However, the brand image is not a figurehead. The
company produces strong products and services. In order to improve profitability, IBM changed
its business concentration from commoditized products to higher-value areas. As a result, IBM’s
net cash from operating activities increased approximately $4,675 million in FY 2010 compared
to FY 2005. Furthermore, IBM earnings per share have nearly tripled in the last 10 years which
benefits shareholders and increases investors’ confidence. IBM also has 12 research laboratories
worldwide. The strong research, development, and engineering capabilities allow IBM to engage
in long-term collaborations with many business forms and government agencies. Meanwhile,
innovation differentiates IBM from other IT companies and competitors (DATAMONITOR:
IBM, 2011, pp.5-6).
The weakness of IBM is low revenue per employee. The company has 426,751 employees in
over 170 countries. It reported revenue of $99,870 million in FY 2010, which yielded $234,024
of revenue per employee. However, IBM’s major competitors had much higher numbers in the
same ratio, such as Microsoft with $702,067 and HP with $388,271, respectively. To improve
the low revenue per employee, increasing individual contribution is a big challenge for IBM
(DATAMONITOR: IBM, 2011, pp.4&7).
However, IBM has the opportunity to expand its customer base because of new demand in
growth markets, especially in Brazil, Russia, India, and China (BRIC). The growth of market
represents higher demand for business analysis which requires more high tech support. For
example, in March 2011, IBM designed new software along with new consulting practice
services called Smarter Commerce to help companies manage customers’ needs. Also, based on
IBM’s estimate, Smarter Commerce will bring the company over $70 billion in the coming years
(DATAMONITOR: IBM, 2011, pp.8-9).
IBM’s threats come from tough competition and fluctuating exchange rates. As the leader in the
IT services, IBM has to face the strong competition from other large IT companies and small
businesses. For example, Microsoft and Oracle compete with IBM in the software segment, and
Dell and HP mainly compete with IBM in the Systems and Technology segment. All that tough
competition might reduce IBM’s market share and customer base, and possibly affect operating
performance. Because IBM’s business covers over 170 countries, fluctuating exchange rates are
unavoidable risks that impact its financial condition. Even though IBM has used some financial
instruments to lower the exchange risks, the volatility of currency continues to affect the
company’s financial reports (DATAMONITOR: IBM, 2011, pp.9-10).
IBM has a great reputation, and its 100 years of business experience makes the company stand
out in the IT industry. While it is harder for larger companies to fail, IBM’s success stems not
just come from its size but also from its innovation. Job stability is less of a concern when a
company produces often and well. Therefore, an innovative culture keeps IBM the leader among
all competition, and it also helps me reduce the concern about job security. Besides the company
culture, the company’s stock plan also attracts me. This strategy boosts the company’s business
by tying its performance to the employees. I am confident about IBM and its stock. If I were an
employee, I would take the advantage of the ESPP to invest in the company’s stock with the
employee discount. With the increasing of company’s gross profit, the increasing of IBM stock
price will directly benefit me as an investor.
Company II: PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC)
Background, Product and Service, Culture, and Benefits
PwC was formed in 1998, and the company provides industry-focused services in the area of
assurance, tax, and advisory for public, private, and government clients. PwC helps companies
produce financial reports under the guide of US GAAP and IFRS, so those companies can use
the information to make economic decisions and to attract the investing public. With the
consulting service, PwC helps clients transfer risks into opportunities. In addition, PwC provides
advice on tax reporting and tax deal structuring to comply with current regulations. PwC
primarily operates in Europe and North America, and its customers come from different
industries, such as retail, banking, and government services. The main competitors are other
three Big Four accounting firms and various consulting services (PwC, n.d.).
As a company that has been voted as one of the “100 Best Companies to Work For” in six
consecutive years by FORTUNE, PwC believes that cultural diversity is an important business
asset that helps a company grow and succeed. People who work for PwC come from different
countries and have different backgrounds. The different point of view brings PwC the culture of
diversity which benefits both PwC and employees. While PwC provides a friendly work
environment for each individual, every employee adds value to PwC through working as teams
and interacting with clients (Diversity Best Practices, 2010).
Employees of PwC receive both health and financial benefits which cover medical, dental, vision,
and savings plans. The Retirement Wealth Builder Plan contributes a certain amount of funds to
eligible employees based on their job levels from the first day they are hired. For new employees,
the plan provides a one-time bonus contribution to help them establish a good starting point of
retirement savings (Careers at PwC, n.d.).
SWOT Analysis
One of the strengths of PwC is its leading market position and its strong client base. PwC has
offices in 766 cities across 154 countries. In FY 2010, among the Fortune Global 500, PwC
serviced more than 80% of the companies. Some major PwC clients include Microsoft and
SuperGroup. The other strength of PwC is the company’s diversified service divisions that keep
the company generating revenues and reduce the risks of failure. The main service divisions are
designed to cover a different range of industry, such as audit and assurance, consulting, deals,
human resources, legal, and tax (DATAMONITOR: PwC, 2011, pp.5-6).
Even though PwC has the prominent market position, the fact that several lawsuits filed against it
might reduce the client base and weaken PwC. For example, in 2009, the company had its image
tarnished because its clients, DSQ Software and Global Trust Bank, were involved in scandals.
Also, in 2010, because PwC failed to catch its client JP Morgan’s mistake of placing “nearly
$23.3 billion of client funds into the wrong bank account,” PwC was reported to its regulators by
the Financial Services Authority in the UK (DATAMONITOR: PwC, 2011, pp.6-7).
As the global marketplace expands, emerging markets begin to play key roles. PwC has aimed
toward growing markets and started investing in those countries, such as China and India. For
example, in 2010, PwC promises that over the next five years, it will hire more people in
emerging markets to meet the growing demand for professional services. As a result, PwC
expects that revenues generated from the emerging markets will increase from 20% to 45%. In
addition, the adoption of IFRS standards may sustain demand for PwC’s services. According to a
survey in 2010, an increasing number of companies are willing to switch from the current GAAP
to IFRS. As one the companies that provides professional services in accounting issues, PwC
will benefit from the change (DATAMONITOR: PwC, 2011, pp.7-8).
However, PwC is not the only company that provides professional services in accounting. It has
to compete for the market share with other companies including the other three Big Four
accounting firms, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, and KPMG, along with other consulting services.
Furthermore, because of the collapse of Enron and WorldCom, the IRS has issued more rules
and regulations to limit accounting firms’ services. Those processes make it hard to keep clients
and gain investors’ confidence back (DATAMONITOR: PwC, 2011, pp.8-9).
I like PwC’s diverse company culture. It not only helps the company attain a multicultural
workforce, but also makes employees think that their value is recognized by the company. I am
willing to work for a company that respects and appreciates its employees’ different cultures. It
allows me to be creative and increases my attachment to the company. The fact that PwC started
to emphasize emerging markets, especially in China, is another reason that I am fond of this
company. As an immigrant from China, being able to work for a company that has marketing in
US and China can fulfill my dream to balance the relationship between my career and family.
Third, my major is accounting, and taxation is one of my favorite subjects. Choosing PwC will
definitely bring me more chances to work in the tax area. However, the company only has 10
years of business experience, so I am concerned about the company’s survival during an
economic downturn.
Both IBM and PwC are multinational companies and have strong leadership in their respective
industries. Because both companies have multiple locations worldwide, I will have the same
opportunity to work in Asia, regardless which company I pursue. However, by weighing each
company’s advantages and disadvantages, I choose IBM as my ideal company. Looking at each
company’s history, IBM has more than 100 years of business experience, which is remarkable in
the IT business. The company survived the Great Depression and went through a downturn
during 1980 to 1990. It showed me the company has the ability to adjust to the current market
and economic environment. By changing its business strategies and introducing new products to
the market, IBM established the leadership in its own industry. I believe IB …
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