Expert answer:use simple and clear language*avoid plagiarism* do not forget the the references and in-text citation RESEARCH ESSAY The purpose of this paper is to develop an argument on a specific topic and provide persuasive support for your thesis using strong reasoning and clear evidence. Sources obtained through research on a specific topic should be expanded upon and developed into a formal, well-written, persuasive research paper. A formal research paper will follow certain grammatical conventions not found in less formal writing styles, such as reaction papers, film reviews, etc. Audience: an academic audience and all others interested in the topic Purpose : develop an argument and provide persuasive support for your thesis using strong reasoning and clear evidence. Length: 13 typed pages, (see general instructions above)Format : APA Style Topic Selection: The topic for your research paper can be your choice of any substantive or theoretical concepts in the field of criminology. ( you chhose that )
Expert answer:All the instructions below
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Writing | 0 comments
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