Solved by verified expert:I want this program do in 24 hours do this simple and not professional u must do the extra credit plus i used this book everything u need is in the files.
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CS 313 02
Program Assignment 04
Chapter 09
20 Points
Name ___________________________________
Wednesday, March 19, 2018
The Westfield Carpet Company has asked you to write an application that calculates the price of
carpeting. To calculate the price of carpeting, you multiply the area of the floor (width X length) by the
price per square foot of carpet. For example, the area of a floor that is 12 feet long and 10 feet wide is
120 feet. To cover that floor with carpet that costs $8 per square foot would cost $960.
You should create a class named Rectangle with the following properties:
A single
A single
A single
The Area property should be read-only. Provide a method named CalcArea that calculates width X
length and stores the result in the Area property.
Next, create a class named Carpet with the following properties:
A string
A string
A decimal
The application should have a form similar to the following. (The carpet price is the price per square
foot.) When the Calculate button is clicked, the application should copy the data in the text boxes into
the appropriate object properties, and then display the area and price.
Add the following comments to the beginning of the program.
Your Name
Class and Section:
CS 313 02
Program Assignment 04
Due Date:
See above
Date Turned in:
Program Description: You write a short description of what the program will do
Extra Credit 5 points:
Create another form that contains the company’s information. You make up the address and phone
number. Load this form at startup. Include a button that allows the user to close this form and load the
other form in order to start the program.
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