Solved by verified expert:write a report on the topic “Operating System Level Virtualization”. You are required to search conference, journal articles and information from other authentic sources such as books, reports/article on the above-mentioned topic. You are required to search for at least 10 references (at least 3 journal articles and 3 conference papers). A report must contain complete and correct citations for every source.

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Assignment 2
In this assignment, you are required to write a report on the topic “Operating System Level Virtualization”. You are required to search conference, journal
articles and information from other authentic sources such as books, reports/article on the above-mentioned topic. You are required to search for at least 10
references (at least 3 journal articles and 3 conference papers). A report must contain complete and correct citations for every source. Direct copying, copy
pasting and similar is not acceptable for the report. Failure to adhere to this will result in no marks being awarded. The report should show your
understanding of the topic. It should provide appropriate breadth and depth of coverage and it should not be cursory.
Report Structure
Group Members Details

Operating system level virtualization
Executive Summary

This should summarise the entire report in about 200-300 words.
Background information

An introduction to virtualization technology and its benefits, OS level virtualization and how does it work.

Memory virtualization, CPU virtualization and I/O devices virtualization

Virtual machines vs. Unikernals vs. Docker and Containers

The future of virtualization technologies
All sources of material used in your report including figures etc. must be cited (in text citation) and listed (end reference list). For details about
referencing and the required format, please refer to the ECU Referencing Guide, which can be found on the following URL:
Marks will be allocated for presentation (English, spelling, logical flow, layout, etc.)
1. This assignment needs to be done in groups (max 2 students). Online students, please email me your state/suburb info so that I can put you all in groups
and you would make use of e-communication technologies for collaboration.
2. This assignment should be a minimum of 2,000 words and a maximum of 3,000 words.
3. The assignment should be typed using 12 font size, Times New Roman or Arial, with 1.5 line spacing.
4. This assignment must be submitted through Turnitin submission link via Blackboard.
5. The report structure should have a logical progression.
6. Good written communication is an important skill. Poorly written papers will be marked accordingly.
This assessment focus on the process of working in groups which requires:
Collaboration and cooperation
Analysing the task and assigning responsibility for its components
Leadership, teamwork, delegation and coordination
Awareness of issues that arose and techniques for managing difficulties

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