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Running head: Final Mini-Proposal
Final Mini-Proposal
Technology In schools
Presented by
Madai G Williams
LeTourneau University
Kim SeonYoung
MEDU5143- Educational Research for Effective Teaching
April 21, 2018
Running head: Final Mini-Proposal
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Running head: Final Mini-Proposal
Table of Contents
Abstract ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. ii
Introduction ………………………………………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.
Review of the Literature ……………………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 7
Key Topics ………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
Research Questions and Hypothesis …………………………….Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research Question 1 ………………………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.
Research Question 2 ………………………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hypothesis…………………………………………………………….Error! Bookmark not defined.
Proposed Intervention / Innovation Plan……………………….Error! Bookmark not defined.
Description of Proposed Project Methodology Design ……………………………………………. 23
Rationale / Support …………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
Instrumentation …………………………………………………………Error! Bookmark not defined.
Description of Instrument ……………………………………….Error! Bookmark not defined.
Setting and Participants……………………………………………………………………………………….. 23
Setting ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 23
Participants …………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Role of the Researcher …………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Data Collection and Analysis……………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Reflection ………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 24
Ethical and Legal Considerations in this Research ………………………………………………. 24
Limitations of the Proposed Study…………………………………………………………………….. 24
Importance of the Project …………………………………………………………………………………. 24
Report Presentation …………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
What I Learned about Myself as a Researcher ……………………………………………………. 24
Summary and Conclusions ………………………………………………………………………………….. 25
References …………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 25
Mini-Proposal Research
Technology in Schools
For many years, technology has become the tool to make processes easier and faster,
technology in education has not been the exception. Nowadays, some schools have computers
available for students and other schools require students to have a computer to fulfill activities in
and outside the classroom. The industry is “an $8 billion-plus yearly market” (iboss, 2018) focus
in hardware and software; there is no question that enough applications are getting created to help
teachers offer knowledge in all possible ways the student might need. This in itself is a journey for
teachers at all levels, we want to succeed as teachers, and we want students to succeed as students
by having enough strategies and tools implemented and in use. Moreover, there are several
questions on how teachers decide to teach and how students expect to be taught.
Statement of the Problem and Purpose of the Proposed Study
Problem Statement
The problem in education is the huge disparity between schools across the country, many
schools have the capability to implement technology and research for programs helpful for their
students. Schools that have the capability to implement technology and research for new programs
in many times fail to give the adequate support and training to teachers who will be interacting
with these tools. Other schools do not have enough money to implement technology forcing them
to choose from the essentials in education putting students in disadvantage at the moment,
affecting their future learning. This is important because schools need to be competitive with other
schools across the country giving the same equal opportunity in education to students. When
schools fail to be funded they will eliminate or not consider programs that could be useful to
enhance learning in class, the inequality in education is visible when students have to study higher
levels of education. Students don’t have the necessary skills to interact with a variety of learning
environments setting them behind to learn, consequently performance can be graded poorly when
facing programs that interact with technology at a higher level.
There is a gap between technology-student and the gap between technology-teacher forcing
us to ask, are we ahead of the game? Saying as a metaphorical question and expression at the same
time, retaking on how students are expecting to be taught and the strategies that teachers choose to
teach. There is more to it, technology is available, but many teachers might not have the access to
enough computers, they might be willing to try and implement new strategies to help students
gather a more personalized learning. Although, money and implementation of computers in
schools can be a costly project on its own buying or finding companies that would fund the devices
to create a network to support technology in campus is an issue. So far, some programs had been
implemented but schools are not prepared to keep up to date programs for the use of students,
additionally many schools do not know how to measure the allowance that should exist on students
surfing the Internet.
Purpose Statement
The purpose of this proposed project is to gather an overview of how advance is
technology nowadays and how much schools are taking advantage of technology to develop
strategies that will help with the students’ needs. Some students like face-to-face interaction with
teachers, other students like a personalized program easy to follow at their own pace and others
like a mixed program. To arrive at possible solution, we first have to identify the issue or possible
issues that could occur when trying to update a system. Thus, it is essential to understand where
we are today to identify ways on how to move forward. We can do so by researching and gathering
enough evidence that tells us that technology improves learning and can help teachers enhance
equal opportunities for students.
Significance of this Study
Importance of the Study
It is essential to identify the barriers and challenges at this time on technology in education.
Technology has become a delicate topic not only for school administrations but also for
lawmakers, where several questions come into place to allow and protect the rise in data.
Technology helps to fulfill the needs schools have to make learning easier for students, technology
also fulfill a trend role associated with students giving them the opportunity to link learning with
technology which has become part of their daily routine. On the other hand there are concerns and
limitations on schools trying to get ahead, one of them is to identify how students react with
technology in classrooms. For those that have the ability to interact with technology in the
classroom, it has become relevant to teachers the need to analyze students’ behaviors as the
possible distraction or an achievement the students are able to accomplish with or without
Connection to Larger Population or Problem
Review of the Literature
With a larger population, several concerns come into place; the amount of data increases
and challenges are present to realize how much of this data should be saved. Sensitive data is a
concern for schools nowadays, where technology is used to register students, keep students
educational progress or buy lunch every day. In result, schools should be capable of having a good
infrastructure on the campus with enough bandwidth to cover all the necessary tasks in a daily
basis. For many schools, this infrastructure is not affordable limiting technology available in
classrooms. Consequently, many teachers still today do not have the opportunity to implement
technology in their daily activities, many other teachers have not feel prepared enough to tackle
certain changes and prefer to stay with strategies they had implemented throughout their career.
“At the very foundation level, schools are held to a standard of compliance enforced by the
federal government-The Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA)- that makes it law for all
schools administering internet access on devices provided by the district to put an Internet Safety
Policy in place.” (iboss, 2018) The policy complies with making safe the use of internet in
classrooms where students use “email, chat rooms, or other electronic communications.” (iboss,
2018) CIPA besides of been on charge to make infrastructures safe, is also responsible to offer
discounts to school districts that otherwise would be too costly for them to afford, mostly hurting
those in poor areas. While CIPA protects students from the use of Internet, schools and teachers
should be mindful of the potential harm for students while using technology, one of this is
Schools can track and prevent traffic of data by the use “of SSL signature” (iboss, 2018)
although not all treats are preventable through these signatures, especially when students deal with
social media in school, cyberbullying could be more likely to happen. Then we have The
Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) to regulate “the collection of Personally
Identifiable Information (PII) about children under 13” (iboss, 2018) that access websites and
Internet in schools. The use of Internet in schools should have parental authorization in
conjunction with teachers allowed to provide Internet, under the COPPA policy. If any regulation
of COPPA is violated in any way, “the district can be held liable.” (iboss, 2018) Therefore,
students with devices outside classrooms should be monitor to ensure students are using websites
that comply with COPPA.
“Under FERPA, parents and students have the right to inspect and review educational
records maintained by the school, request that the school correct records that they believe are
incorrect or misleading, and decide when- and to whom- their educational; records are released.”
(iboss, 2018) If any student record is affected “via breach”, (iboss, 2018) the school can legally be
responsible for any loss of information that can result in costly legal fees. On the other hand, The
Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) is responsible on “how school
health services store and share student health information with other parts of the school
community. The same violations that apply to FERPA apply to HIPPA since health records fall
into the same bucket of educational PII.” Meaning that schools are liable in many ways in the use
of Internet and student’s protection of data, thus schools should monitor and regulate their
For the past decade, it has been a discussion to figure out methods to implement technology
in the classroom. Teachers can identify difficulties at the same time that they can see the multiple
opportunities for teachers and students committed to the discipline of studying. Many
environments have been created to provide ideal ways of learning, Lefebve’s (1991) explored the
influences of fixed spaces and found that “what people do is influenced by spaces but spaces, in
turn, are shaped by what people do, and how people conceive them and what they feel spaces
should be like.” (Burnett, 2014) When we question the implementation of technology in
classrooms, we should also consider the different possible aspects affecting this topic. How much
of this is a sociocultural, economical, challenging or purposefully way to improve education.
Many colleges nowadays have been able to create an infrastructure with a range of courses that in
many cases are freely offered. Throughout higher education learning is possible almost throughout
the world, but this is almost impossible at lower grade levels in public schools. When we want to
talk about technology and the difficulties to integrate it at some point, we face the challenges that
many schools encounter even today to cover basic strategies that has to do with teaching and
learning in public education. This issue can include the difference on the amount of money public
schools receive per state, the policies administrations has to follow to represent leadership on a
district. It also includes school boards, or specific achievements public schools might have to be
leaders or to create programs that will help youth with specific problems or needs. Public schools
seems to prefer in implementing essential programs because is an immediate need, when higher
levels of educations are more focus in the material that should be thought and the infrastructure is
something expected to interact with between teacher-student.
Technology in schools is not matter of finding ways to supply the necessary devices,
networks and infrastructure the student might be able to enjoy, but the interaction between studenttechnology and teacher-student and technology is essential to make this a successful option.
Observing students and analyzing studies this interaction can help future teachers as a reference to
consider the certain factors that could affect students by age, or location in the world. How they
interact with technology in the classroom? Does technology affects their interaction with
classmates? Does technology holds them from having a face-to-face interactions? Undoubtedly,
only observation, notes, and follow up of studies can identify and construct hypothesis that later in
time can be supported or be contradicted by new studies.
Research Questions and Hypothesis
The following research questions will guide this study:
Research Question 1
How can schools ensure every student has a device in the classroom? This research
question is important because of the need to provide equal opportunities to all students. Although,
schools administrations do not have enough resources to make a 100% implementation in
infrastructure and devices for each student, and sensitive data is an issue.
Research Question 2
Are schools working at the same pace as technology? This research question is
important because are trying to find out if schools are working along with technology. We
increasingly see schools providing students devices like tablets, Chromebooks; they also are
allowing students to use personal cell phones or computers to standardize technology for learning.
The software allows teachers to create personalized lessons; it also allows students to keep their
pace in learning on their own time. Students can become more creative encouraging them to use
online tools. Schools that are working toward these changes have identify the problem in
infrastructure can be costly, and there are questions on how to improve a bandwidth in a low
budget and how to support and deploy “thousands of devices.” (Herold, 2016)
Technology in Schools Key Topics
Key Topic 1
Equality in education is key to enable learning at the same pace across all the schools in the
country. “Equity in education means increasing all students’ access to educational opportunities
with a focus on closing achievement gaps and removing barriers students face based on their race,
ethnicity, or national origin; sex; sexual orientation or gender identity or expression; disability;
English language ability; religion; socio-economic status; or geographical location.” (Education,
Since 1999 the American Association for the Advancement of Science [AAAS] had
discovered that children are capable “of more complex conceptual and abstract thinking that was
previously thought.” (Laffey, J. M., Espinosa, L., Moore, J., & Lodree, A.,2003) The principal
responsibility for teachers is to make students improve their “abilities to make decisions about
challenging issues.” (Siegel, 2006) “The need to prepare students for decision making” (Siegel,
2006) can be crucial for any environment they might encounter. This is a specific project where
students were observed with a complex situation.
In Biology Guided Inquiry Learning Environments (BGuILE), students conduct
observational investigations and articulate theories by connecting hypotheses and evidence.
Students study a complex problem, such as a crisis in an ecosystem, and need to explain the death
and differential survival of organisms in that ecosystem by applying the theory of natural selection
(Reiser et al., 2001). BGuILe research demonstrated that by studying complex issues, students
often learned more content that was available in traditional textbooks (Smith & Reiser, 1998) and
identified plausible and relevant claims for their explanations, although they had some difficulty
navigating the complex data-set to find the ‘best’ explanations (Reiseret al., 2001). (Siegel, 2006)
Whith this study in mind when we talk about schools accros the country and different
districts we are going to identify that exist areas of poverty that don’t have teachers well prepared.
Teachers with poor training will reflect this lack in the way they teach and students in many cases
will not be prepared to have enough judgement in studies or environments they might encounter.
To this point we recognize techonology as the possibility to integrate teachers and students to a
cloud of knowlegde available for everybody, then it is important to succesfully implement
technology in all schools at the same time that in every classroom to break all the barriers existing
due to the unequality available in different states, or districts. Having this option then everybody
involved in education can focus on one point, the accesability to the cloud of knowledge.
Key Topic 2
Accessibility to an equal opportunity for education is important for all students breaking
down the barriers to obtain education. “Accessibility refers to the design of apps, devices,
materials, and environments that support and enable access to content and educational activities for
all learners. In addition to enabling students with disabilities to use content and participate in
activities, the concepts also apply to accommodating the individual learning needs of students,
such as English language learners, students in rural communities, or students from economically
disadvantaged homes. Technology can support accessibility through embedded assistance – for
examp …
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