Solved by verified expert:75 words each1. Explain how reactive strategies can negatively impact safety measures and training within an organization that controls fleet operations. How can proactive determinations help mitigate future on-the-job accidents and reduce the overall impact of the cost to the company from safety issues? 2. There are multiple direct and indirect costs to employers who manage fleets when on-the-job accidents happen with employees. Calculate the total cost to an employer whose driver was involved in an accident with $8,459 of direct costs. Provide examples of indirect costs used in your calculation. Show your calculations. 3. Describe how the Safety Measurement System (SMS) assists companies with identifying the seven most important safety issues that drivers face and determining which solutions are applicable to improve driver performance. 4. Describe how companies can utilize a cost-benefit analysis to effectively budget for future safety training within the organization.
Expert answer:4-75 word each questions Fleet safety
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Business Finance | 0 comments
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