Solved by verified expert:For this assignment, you will create a PowerPoint presentation discussing site strategies. A site refers to the organization using a separate physical location to set up operations in the event the original location is compromised (e.g., the main headquarters lost power due to a storm). Sites are considered exclusive or shared. Exclusive means that the organization controls the site which can be configured as hot, warm, cold, or mobile. Shared means that the organization is sharing the site for a moment in time, purchasing a service, or has an agreement with another organization to share resources. Your presentation will be 10–15 slides with 1 slide for the title and 1 slide for references, leaving 7–13 slides in which you will discuss exclusive and shared sites and the purpose for which they are used. Each slide will have, at a minimum, a 100-word narrative in the Notes section of the slide.Create an incident response plan that provides how an organization will react to a threat or hazard. It is important to note that incident response can take other names, such as emergency response. This section would contain the personnel identified to support the appropriate response to a given incident and what they are supposed to do. Obviously, this can be very detailed in scope because you must address a response for different types of incidents. For example, a response for a cyber threat would be different from a response to a tornado. This being said, for this assignment, you will address incident response from an information technology (IT) perspective.
Expert Answer :Disaster Recovery dealing with sites and Incident
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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