Solved by verified expert:EACH NUMBER HAS IS ITS OWN SEPARATE DISCUSSION!!!!! EACH DISCUSSION MUST BE 250 WORDS. PLEASE USE GREAT DETAIL AND INFORMATION. 1. American Experience: The Amish or How does speaking Pennsylvania Dutch help preserve Amish culture? What are some of the specific ways enculturation occurs in Amish communities? How do the Amish pass on values and customs to younger generations? Using the characteristics of culture discussed in Chap. 2 provide one specific example of each. What were you most surprised by in this video?2. Watch “What the Health?” available on Netflix. Discuss what you found most interesting, revealing, surprising in this video. Research some of the reactions to this documentary. What are some of the concerns/critiques? How do you know what to believe (or not) about information presented in this production? Remember to use APA citation style for all references. Compare what you see on the video with what you read from the Timmerman book by using specific examples.3. Begin “Half the Sky” at 1:15 and watch until the end of this segment (about 45 minutes) Interview several generations of family (or community) members using the questions below. Try for at least three different generations if possible. Compare the responses from your family with what you see in Half the Sky.–What role did/does education play in your life?–What challenges if any did/do you face? Were there any barriers to going to school?–How did your parents/guardians view your education? Was it a priority?–Was the education experience different for boys and girls when you were in school?–What strategies did your parents/guardians employ to help open doors and break barriers to success?–What is your best and worst memory related to your education?–How was your experience with education different from the generation before you?–What does education mean in your life now?–How do you see education for the next generation? Apply at least three specific pieces of information from the textbook to this “case study” presented in the video.4. Watch “True Cost” which is a documentary about the clothing industry and globalization. Compare what you learn in this film with the Timmerman book. The film is available at Netflix and Amazon but unfortunately is not in the public domain.5. Watch “Framing the Other”Using the characteristics of culture discussed in Chap. 2, select one custom presented in this film and discuss how it is shared, learned, adaptive, integrated and symbolic. Then refer to the ethical issues section in Chap. 3 and discuss how an anthropologist might approach studying this custom rather than the tourists seen in the film. Be sure to use terms and concepts from the textbook and cite them using APA citation style.