Solved by verified expert:In this week’s lesson, you explored two (2) different types of cloud-based information storage–Google Drive and Dropbox.Now search for and review two (2) more cloud-based storage options, preferably different than your classmates’ posts. Consider the privacy and security issues that could go along with publicly posting one’s own work. Of the four (4) storage options you now know about, which cloud-based storage would you choose? Why? What are some of the solution’s strengths and weaknesses?Consider reading user reviews as part of your research this week. Be thinking about how the reviewers present their thoughts–do user reviews impact your own analysis of the storage solution? Why or why not? To round out your objective analysis, mention what you discovered from user reviews?Share the links of the two new storage solutions you researched.Call on the rubric (linked below) to ensure you are meeting participation expectations. Please make sure you do the following:Post your initial post no later than 11:55 PM Thursday.Respond to a minimum of 2 peers including at least 1 of the following:offering advice or strategyposing a question,providing an alternative point-of-view,acknowledging similar experiencessharing a resourceManage your own thread throughout the entire week by responding to your instructor and your classmates.
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Student 1
For this week’s forum, I have decided to talk about Microsoft OneDrive and Apple
iCloud Drive as alternative cloud storage options. Both of these cloud based storage
infrastructures are tailored to the technology that they support. The iCloud Drive supports Apple
iOS technology, and the OneDrive supports Microsoft android technology.
The new Microsoft OneDrive is essentially a file sharing cloud storage infrastructure
that keenly synchronizes Microsoft software to the cloud. The OneDrive allows Microsoft users
to folder and file synchronizing, web access, media storage, and much more. The main difference
from OneDrive to other cloud based storage options is that OneDrive provides five gigabytes of
storage at no charge.
Much like OneDrive, the iCloud drive synchronizes any Apple device to the cloud
storage platform and allows users to pass of files and all media types between iOS devices. Also
like the OneDrive, iCloud starts you off with five gigabytes of file storage space, except if not an
Apple user you only receive one gigabyte of space.
From both of the cloud storage options, user reviews are mixed. Many avid Microsoft
users love the OneDrive, and conversely Apple users support the iCloud. For both, the main
selling point is the interoperability between like technology devices, and file and data
synchronizing between devices. Either way you look at it, the user experience and needs are the
only thing that matters.
Student 2
Two cloud based storage systems that I looked into are OneDrive and Amazon Drive. These two
storage systems work the same way as any other cloud drive but are priced very differently and
have their own benefits for choosing their company. Both of these systems have a free version
with 5 gigabytes of storage, however OneDrive offers a web based version of microsoft office
and Amazon Drive offers unlimited storage for photos. For $69.99 a year you can get 1 terabyte
of storage data and office 365 personal on OneDrive, whereas Amazon Drive is only $60 a year
for 1 terabyte of data and unlimited photo storage. When it comes to security of you information
on these systems they definitely come in last. Neither Amazon Drive or OneDrive encrypts your
data the exception to this is if you have the business version of OneDrive. Amazon Drive offers
multi factor authentication which requires not only a username and password to login but another
piece of information that only the owner would know. If I was to choose between these two
storage systems I would have to choose OneDrive because I don’t use cloud storage very much
and having a free version of microsoft office at your disposal would be especially useful in class.
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