Solved by verified expert:300 wordsGender roles in US society have changed dramatically since the
1950s. This assignment requires that you adapt the perspective of
the gender opposite from yours. male, answer the following
questions about the changing female role in society. . Using the
opposite gender’s perspective, discusses changes in the following
areas: The male roles in the family and how they have changed from
the 1950s through today Changes in the male legal or political
rights from the 1950s through today Male changes in the workforce
(such as statistics of how many men or women work full-time from
the 1950s through today) Household or child care responsibilities
with what percentage of men and women take care of the children and
domestic responsibilities and how this has changed from the 1950s
through today Changes in educational level attainment for males and
how this has changed from the 1950s through today Be sure to
discuss gender expectations today. How do you think gender roles
will change in the future?