Expert answer:I want the paper to be on Cyber Security: Identity Theft (qualitative method research)I need the following that was not established earlier:Two questions should be qualitative in nature, two should be quantitative, and the final question may be phrased either quantitatively or qualitatively.I have attached papers from the last 2 assignments to give some idea where I am going. Choose 1 of the research questions originally proposed in Module/Week 2 (you may choose the same question that you used for Projects C and D, or you may choose a different question). Suppose you were going to conduct a study to answer this chosen research question, and one of the methods chosen to gather data was through interviews. Construct 5 interview questions that would be used to gather information about the research question. The interview questions must not be descriptive of the person being interviewed; rather, the questions must be geared towards providing insight into the interviewee’s experiences, observations, and/or relationships with regard to the question being researched. Presume that other descriptive questions would be added at a later date. When satisfied with your questions, submit them in the Discussion Board Forum, along with the research question chosen. Finally, indicate if interviewing would be an acceptable tool for your proposed research question from Projects C and D. I have not gotten the grade for project D
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One thing to keep in mind as you work through these assignments is that research questions are
related only to qualitative studies. Quantitative studies will have hypotheses, and consequently null
hypotheses. Most have a background in stats, but not as much with qualitative research. Hence, we
wanted to be sure you had exposure to both types of research. This will enable you to better chose the
methodology most appropriate for your specific ADRP study.
With a research question, one should avoid research questions that have a yes/no answer to them.
Qualitative research could be explained as more of an exploring type of research. It is generally
reserved for those types of studies where there isn’t much research. Hence, one of the more common
phrases to begin qualitative research questions, though certainly not the only phrase is “to what
The purpose of annotated bibliographies is to provide the reasons for a journal, text, dissertation, or
other resource to be used in your study, and how that resource will be used. While there is a brief
description/summary of the article, which you seem to have done well, the focus is more on how that
particular research will be used, and the importance, if any, of that research to your specific study.
Hence, you will include a general description of the research, such that you do not have to re-read
the article to remember what it was about, but you also want to explain in the annotation how it is
intended on being used. For example, if one were to write a paper on properly doing annotated
bibliographies, and found numerous articles on the proper uses, one could include something like
the following for one of the articles (please note that the following is not the proper length). “The
purpose of the article was to outline the various components within an annotated bibliography. This
article will be used to ensure that the annotations are properly formatted, annotations meet required
specifications in terms of content, and the annotations are of appropriate length.” Hopefully, this
With regard to the conceptual framework, please see the comments to the left.
Cybersecurity Theft
Liberty University
November 25, 2017
Cybersecurity is a body of technologies and practices used to guard networks, computers,
and data from illegal access (Santanam, et. al, 2011). Cybersecurity faces a lot of challenges such
as theft. The problem to be addressed is identity theft, spam, online shopping and identity
spoofing. Spam refers to well-designed messages and emails sent to the user that lure them to
reveal their passwords, credit card number and other sensitive information (Singer and Friedman,
2014). The messages sent are the imitation of the ones posted by institutions, banks and other
organizations that require your personal information.
Emails and Messages sent to the user by the criminals may confuse them. Hence, they
send the information to the wrong people thinking that the message will be sent to the institution.
Cybercriminals use identity theft for fraud. For example, the thief can create an account from the
information of a famous person such as musicians or an artist. The information sent to artists by
their producers or banks will be received by the criminal.
The thieves will benefit because all the money that is supposed to be received by the
artist will be sent to the created account. Identity theft can also be used to have access to social
events in businesses or in purchasing items. Online shopping causes the buyer to spend a lot of
money and receives goods that do not much what they purchased. Online shopping puts the
customer at risk because they do not know where the goods are being brought from hence they
may lose a lot of money while purchasing.
Identity spoofing is used by cybercriminals to pretend to be other people such as police
(Lee, 2015). For example, if one of their friends is arrested for committing a murder crime and
they want to know where the investigation has reached. The cybercriminals will pretend to be the
officers in charge of the case and ask for the information. Ip address spoofing helps the
unauthorized person to have access to your computers without being known.
The purpose of cybersecurity theft in identity theft and spoofing is to ensure that hackers
or cybercriminals cannot use personal information (In Information Resources Management
Association, 2017). Individuals are advised to use other identity information’s in social networks
such as Facebook, Twitter, and Skype. The forged data makes it difficult for the unauthorized
person to reach your personal information. Famous individuals are advised not to put their
personal information on the social networks.
Online shopping should be minimized in cyber because the buyers can blame the cyber
for the loss of their goods (LeClair, 2016). Individuals should not trust anything that is being sold
online because they are being deceived. Fraud only happens to new customers who are not used
to buy items online. Old consumers may know when their sellers are deceiving them and they
make sure not to buy the items.
The importance of cybersecurity theft is to ensure that we do not damage an
organizations reputation and the risk financial losses to individuals or business (Shoemaker and
Conklin, 2012). Organizations such as schools, hospitals, and businesses require everyone’s
personal information. Organizations should be able to avoid cyber crimes by keeping the
information confidential and can only be shared by a limited number of people. For example, if
your health record was shared with other people, your reputation can be ruined in your company
and the society.
Organizations can also hire an IT security professional who will be available when
individuals want to access information (In Davies and In Gilbride, 2015). The IT security
profession will help in minimizing the risk of hackers to obtain information from the computer
system because they will be able to protect the data. IT security personnel understand the
importance of cybersecurity because they have been taught the causes of cyber theft.
Competitors use the information to threaten other organizations by exposing their internal
affairs. Customers and employees may be offended, and hence they leave the company. It is
essential to keep the information confidential to avoid disreputable events which destroy the
company’s reputation (Waschke, 2017). As an individual in an organization you do not require
an IT professional to secure your data, you can be able to protect yourself.
Cybercriminals are known to contact people through emails or messages claiming they
are representatives of an organization (Bayuk, 2012). As an individual, we should not reply or
give out our personal information without making sure whom we are sending the information.
The company should make sure the computer systems are always updated with anti-viruses.
Viruses cause the systems to collapse which makes it easy for cybercriminals to access
Cybersecurity theft will help minimize theft of information and data in organizations such
as banks, schools, and companies. Individuals should not share their passwords, and they should
ensure that they log out in every account that they have opened. We should make share that any
website requiring our personal information has a privacy policy that will protect our information
from being reached. IT professionals take time to increase their cyber security knowledge. The
knowledge helps them to gain experience and to meet the demands of a cybersecurity specialist.
Singer, P. W., & Friedman, A. (2014). Cybersecurity and cyberwar: What everyone needs to
Lee, N. (2015). Counterterrorism and cybersecurity: Total information awareness.
Shoemaker, D., & Conklin, W. A. (2012). Cybersecurity: The essential body of knowledge.
Boston, MA: Course Technology Cengage Learning.
LeClair, J., & Burns, M. S. (2016). Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Protection.
Waschke, M. (2017). Personal cybersecurity: How to avoid and recover from cybercrime.
In Information Resources Management Association. (2017). Identity theft: Breakthroughs in
research and practice.
Santanam, R., Sethumadhavan, M., & Virendra, M. (2011). Cyber security, cyber crime and
cyber forensics: Applications and perspectives. Hershey, PA: Information Science
Bayuk, J. L. (2012). Cyber security policy guidebook. Hoboken, N.J: Wiley.
Hasib, M. (2014). Cybersecurity leadership: Powering the modern organization.
In Davies, S. J., In Hertig, C. A., & In Gilbride, B. P. (2015). Security supervision and
management: The theory and practice of asset protection.
Cybersecurity theft theoretical framework
Frances Hall
Liberty University
November 18, 2017
Cybersecurity theft theoretical framework
Annotated bibliography
Durkheim, E. (2014). The division of labor in society. Simon and Schuster.
There are numerous theories that may and have been used in the past to explain the ideas
behind cybersecurity theft. Durkheim (2014) has been an expert who portrays cybersecurity and
cybercrime as a notion in the society that is not different from any other crimes. He further
claims that any given society due to the specialization of jobs may develop a group of people
who may act against the norms. These people may be referred to as criminals. It is in an
analogous manner that cybercrimes happen and can be described in the various classical
sociological theories.
Gane, N. (2002). Max Weber and postmodern theory: Rationalization versus re-enchantment.
Weber is another classical sociological theorist who tried to explain the concepts of
cybercrime in terms of rationalization. He claims that various societies have adopted the rational
manner of thinking which is primarily based on the notion of identifying the best and the easiest
way of achieving the best goals such as the best ways and strategies that one could use to
accumulate as much wealth as possible through online theft. Cybersecurity is undertaken by
people who have high-level knowledge of analyzing the chances of getting caught when they
undertake fraud on the physical aspect and when they undertake or commit fraud over the web
.(Gane, 2002).
Acevedo, G. A. (2005). Turning anomie on its head: fatalism as Durkheim’s concealed and
multidimensional alienation theory. Sociological Theory, 23(1), 75-85.
Marx another classical sociological theorist has claimed that the current society can be
understood by looking at the alienation concept. He claims further that the society today is
characterized by the people who created the being used technology having little control over the
technology that they created. The crimes committed using the technology have become hard to
deal with because of the rise of elite groups of people with knowledge on how to commit online
crimes while the respective counters have little or no knowledge at all. most people have been
portrayed to have just the knowledge to use technology but not to counter cybercrime (Acevedo,
Zafirovski, M. (2003). Human rational behavior and economic rationality. Electronic Journal of
Sociology, 7(2), 1-34.
Pareto argues that people in the society are driven by the notion of either being logical or
illogical. People may understand that a certain action is illogical but may try to argue otherwise.
The people involved in cybercrime may understand well that cybercrime is a bad practice.
However, they may argue otherwise claiming that cybercrime and the associated crimes
committed over the internet are logical and good citing how profitable they might be. Having a
group that seems to always negate the opposite side may make it difficult to deal with
cybercrimes (Zafirovski, 2003).
Bowles, S., & Park, Y. (2005). Emulation, inequality, and work hours: Was Thorsten Veblen
right. The Economic Journal, 115(507).
Veblen claims that the current situation in the world is characterized by the existence of
technologies that have been attributed to social change. He claims that the current technology has
helped create another society over the web that seems real due to such aspects as instant
messaging. People may commit crimes in the virtual world just as they do in the real world. this
is how cybercrime grows. With little or no knowledge on how to deal with the issues related to
cybercrime, it becomes difficult to tame cybercriminals as opposed to taming the normal
criminals in the physical world (Bowles & Park, 2005).
Theoretic framework
Cyber theft theoretical framework (theorists and theories)
Post modern
Acevedo, G. A. (2005). Turning anomie on its head: fatalism as Durkheim’s concealed and
multidimensional alienation theory. Sociological Theory, 23(1), 75-85.
Bowles, S., & Park, Y. (2005). Emulation, inequality, and work hours: Was Thorsten Veblen
right? The Economic Journal, 115(507).
Durkheim, E. (2014). The division of labor in society. Simon and Schuster.
Gane, N. (2002). Max Weber and postmodern theory: Rationalization versus re-enchantment.
Zafirovski, M. (2003). Human rational behavior and economic rationality. Electronic Journal of
Sociology, 7(2), 1-34.
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