Solved by verified expert:1. NFPA 101: 5.5.3 provides design fire scenarios as the performance-based design option. ( are to select any two design Fire Scenarios and provide detailed example for that Design Fire Scenario. Appendix A of NFPA 101 provides you with an example for each of the scenarios, so your example MUST BE DIFFERENT THAN WHAT NFPA PROVIDES.2. In your everyday life when you go to the dining hall, shopping centers, restaurants, places of worship, etc., I want you to be observant of your surroundings from an egress design analysis. Be observant of the occupant characteristics (what about them would impact their ability to evacuate, bulding characteristics (hazards, number of stories, elevator, type of activites being performed). your assignment is to write a detailed narrative of the observed egress strategies that should be used in one of the occupancies of your choice. it should be a type of occupancy where there are many people, but you may choose what occupancy it is. be descriptive about the occupancy itself and the occupants that would impact their safety if a fire were to occur in the occupancy.
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The National Fire Codes Subscription Service – NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition
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NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition Chapter 5 Performance-Based Option
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5.1 General Requirements.
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5.1.1 * (np_b52bfd38-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
The requirements of this chapter shall apply to life safety systems designed to the perform
(np_70dedab8-78a8-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000499) and
Table of contents
5.1.2 Goals and Objectives.
NFPA 101: Life Safety Code,
2015 Edition
The performance-based design shall meet the goals and objectives of this
78a8-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000485) and 4.2 (np_7300f770-78a8-11e5
About NFPA 101
5.1.3 Qualifications.
Origin and Development
The performance-based design shall be prepared by a registered design professional.
Committee Lists
Chapter 1 Administration
Chapter 2 Referenced
Chapter 3 Definitions
Chapter 4 General
Chapter 5 Performance-Based
Chapter 6 Classification of
Occupancy and Hazard of
Chapter 7 Means of Egress
5.1.4 * (np_b4df3cc6-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID00101001313
The authority having jurisdiction shall be permitted to require an approved, independent th
and provide an evaluation of the design to the authority having jurisdiction.
5.1.5 Sources of Data.
Data sources shall be identified and documented for each input data requirement that mus
design fire scenario, an assumption, or a building design specification. The degree of cons
specified, and a justification for the source shall be provided.
5.1.6 * (np_b4dc7da5-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
The authority having jurisdiction shall make the final determination as to whether the perfo
5.1.7 * (np_b4d99774-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131…e9-4a6e-add3-70e8ab04ffe2/80a4b970-089d-41a8-83dc-205740e78fcf/
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The National Fire Codes Subscription Service – NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition
Chapter 8 Features of Fire
Chapter 9 Building Service and
Fire Protection Equipment
Chapter 10 Interior Finish,
Contents, and Furnishings
Chapter 11 Special Structures
and High-Rise Buildings
The design features required for the building to continue to meet the performance goals a
maintained for the life of the building. Such performance goals and objectives shall include
assumptions and design specifications. Any variations shall require the approval of the au
actual change. (See also (np_5bd606d0-78a8-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0
5.1.8 Definitions. General.
Chapter 12 New Assembly
For definitions, see Chapter 3, Definitions.
Chapter 13 Existing Assembly
Occupancies Special Definitions.
Chapter 14 New Educational
Chapter 15 Existing
Educational Occupancies
Chapter 16 New Day-Care
Chapter 17 Existing Day-Care
Chapter 18 New Health Care
Chapter 19 Existing Health
Care Occupancies
Chapter 20 New Ambulatory
Health Care Occupancies
Chapter 21 Existing
Ambulatory Health Care
Chapter 22 New Detention and
Correctional Occupancies
Chapter 23 Existing Detention
and Correctional Occupancies
2/23/18, 4)17 PM
A list of special terms used in this chapter follows:
Alternative Calculation Procedure. See 3.3.15 (np_dc63d5d6-78a7-11e5-b7fc-c
Data Conversion. See 3.3.52 (np_d12fcbcc-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#
Design Fire Scenario. See (np_caa4fd85-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d9008
Design Specification. See (np_ba7a8099-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d9008
Design Team. See 3.3.58 (np_d11f02e6-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0
Exposure Fire. See 3.3.88 (np_ccea80cd-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID
Fire Model. See 3.3.101 (np_cafc6c5a-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID00
Fire Scenario. See 3.3.105 (np_caa7bca6-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#I
Fuel Load. See (np_c61981ae-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID
Incapacitation. See 3.3.148 (np_c80ffa93-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID
Input Data Specification. See (np_ba779a68-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d9
Occupant Characteristics. See 3.3.191 (np_be554919-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d9
Performance Criteria. See 3.3.206 (np_be2b52da-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089
Proposed Design. See 3.3.218 (
Safe Location. See 3.3.235 (np_bca30609-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#
Safety Factor. See 3.3.236 (np_bca046e8-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#I
Safety Margin. See 3.3.237 (np_bc9d87c7-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#I
Sensitivity Analysis. See (np_dbc7e3f3-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c
Stakeholder. See 3.3.266 (np_b938157f-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0
Uncertainty Analysis. See (np_dbc524d2-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089
Verification Method. See 3.3.285 (np_b0e66a01-78a7-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c
Chapter 24 One- and TwoFamily Dwellings
5.2 Performance Criteria.
Chapter 25 Reserved
5.2.1 General.
Chapter 26 Lodging or
Rooming Houses
A design shall meet the objectives specified in Section 4.2 (np_7300f770-78a8-11e5-b7fcfor each design fire scenario, assumption, and design specification, the performance crite
b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000653) is met.
Chapter 27 Reserved
Chapter 28 New Hotels and
5.2.2 * (np_b4d6d853-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
Any occupant who is not intimate with ignition shall not be exposed to instantaneous or cu
Chapter 29 Existing Hotels and
5.3 Retained Prescriptive Requirements.
Chapter 30 New Apartment
5.3.1 * (np_b4d41932-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
Chapter 31 Existing Apartment
All fire protection systems and features of the building shall comply with applicable NFPA
5.3.2 Means of Egress.…e9-4a6e-add3-70e8ab04ffe2/80a4b970-089d-41a8-83dc-205740e78fcf/
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The National Fire Codes Subscription Service – NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition
Chapter 32 New Residential
Board and Care Occupancies
Chapter 33 Existing
Residential Board and Care
Chapter 34 Reserved
Chapter 35 Reserved
Chapter 36 New Mercantile
Chapter 37 Existing Mercantile
Chapter 38 New Business
Chapter 39 Existing Business
Chapter 40 Industrial
Chapter 41 Reserved
Chapter 42 Storage
Chapter 43 Building
Annex A Explanatory Material
Annex B Supplemental
Evacuation Equipment
Annex C Informational
2/23/18, 4)17 PM
The design shall comply with the following requirements in addition to the performance cri
11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000651) and the methods of Sections
cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000670) through 5.8 (np_812dcfea-78a8-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d
Changes in level in means of egress — 7.1.7 (np_5cbea7a6-78aa-11e5-b7fc-cbe4
Guards — 7.1.8 (np_5b842bcf-78aa-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000
Doors — 7.2.1 (np_51f78f75-78aa-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100009
Stairs — 7.2.2 (np_f5e96d82-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100012
cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010001407), (np_b4358330-78a9-11e5-b7fc7. (np_b3561faf-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010001512)
(5) Ramps — 7.2.5 (np_8e731151-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010001 (np_89829251-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010001654)
cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010001668), and (np_8598d4ec-78a9-11e5-b
(6) Fire escape ladders — 7.2.9 (np_73fffb7e-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID
(7) Alternating tread devices — 7.2.11 (np_6ea34d2a-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c
(8) Capacity of means of egress — Section 7.3 (np_55c86294-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41
excluding the provisions of 7.3.3 (
(9) Impediments to egress — 7.5.2 (np_3cfb81bf-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.htm
(10) Illumination of means of egress — Section 7.8 (np_2680812f-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe
(11) Emergency lighting — Section 7.9 (
(12) Marking of means of egress — Section 7.10 (np_0f3cd875-78a9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41
5.3.3 Equivalency.
Equivalent designs for the features covered in the retained prescriptive requirements man
b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000656) shall be addressed in accordance with the eq
5.4 Design Specifications and Other Conditions.
5.4.1 * (np_b4d13301-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
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Design specifications and other conditions used in the performance-based design shall be
and sustainable.
5.4.2 Assumptions and Design Specifications Data.
Each assumption and design specification used in the design shall be accurately translate
appropriate for the method or model.
Any assumption and design specifications that the design analyses do not explicitly addre
omitted from input data specifications shall be identified, and a sensitivity analysis of the c
Any assumption and design specifications modified in the input data specifications, becau
data-generation procedures, shall be identified, and a sensitivity analysis of the conseque
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The National Fire Codes Subscription Service – NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition
2/23/18, 4)17 PM
5.4.3 Building Characteristics.
Characteristics of the building or its contents, equipment, or operations that are not inhere
affect occupant behavior or the rate of hazard development, shall be explicitly identified.
5.4.4 * (np_b4ce73e0-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
Effectiveness of Building Features and Systems.
The performance of fire protection systems, building features, and emergency procedures
performance and reliability of the components of those systems or features, unless design
the expected performance.
5.4.5 Occupant Characteristics. * (np_b4cbb5bf-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
The selection of occupant characteristics to be used in the design calculations shall be ap
and shall provide an accurate reflection of the expected population of building users. Occu
normal occupant profile, unless design specifications are used to modify the expected occ
shall not vary across fire scenarios, except as authorized by the authority having jurisdictio * (np_b4c8f69e-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
The basic response characteristics of sensibility, reactivity, mobility, and susceptibility shal
include the expected distribution of characteristics of a population appropriate to the use o
these characteristics shall be documented. Location.
It shall be assumed that, in every normally occupied room or area, at least one person sha
from the exits. * (np_b4c6106d-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
The design shall be based on the maximum number of people that every occupied room o
success or failure of the design is contingent on the number of occupants not exceeding a
shall be used to ensure that the maximum number of occupants is not exceeded. * (np_b4c3514c-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
The inclusion of trained employees as part of the fire safety system shall be identified and
5.4.6 Emergency Response Personnel.
Design characteristics or other conditions related to the availability, speed of response, eff
characteristics of emergency response personnel shall be specified, estimated, or charact
5.4.7 * (np_b4c0922b-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
Design characteristics or other conditions related to activities during the life of a building th
the stated goals and objectives shall be specified, estimated, or characterized sufficiently
5.4.8 Off-Site Conditions.
Design characteristics or other conditions related to resources or conditions outside the pr
ability of the building to meet the stated goals and objectives shall be specified, estimated
evaluation of the design.
5.4.9 * (np_b4bdd30a-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
The design shall not include mutually inconsistent assumptions, specifications, or stateme…e9-4a6e-add3-70e8ab04ffe2/80a4b970-089d-41a8-83dc-205740e78fcf/
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The National Fire Codes Subscription Service – NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition
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5.4.10 * (np_b4baecd9-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Additional provisions that are not covered by the design specifications, conditions, estimat
Section 5.4 (np_96cd8ba4-78a8-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000670)
with the performance objectives, shall be documented.
5.5 * (np_b4b82db8-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID00101001314
5.5.1 Approval of Parameters.
The authority having jurisdiction shall approve the parameters involved in design fire scen
considered to meet the goals and objectives if it achieves the performance criteria for eac
5.5.2 * (np_b4b56e97-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
Design fire scenarios shall be evaluated using a method acceptable to the authority havin
conditions. Each design fire scenario shall be as challenging as any that could occur in the
respect to at least one of the following scenario specifications:
(1) Initial fire location
(2) Early rate of growth in fire severity
(3) Smoke generation
5.5.3 * (np_b4b28866-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
Design fire scenarios shall comply with the following:
(1) Scenarios selected as design fire scenarios shall include, but shall not be limited to
(2) Design fire scenarios demonstrated by the design team to the satisfaction of the au
inappropriate for the building use and conditions shall not be required to be evaluat * (np_b4afc945-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Design Fire Scenario 1 shall be described as follows:
(1) It is an occupancy-specific fire representative of a typical fire for the occupancy.
(2) It explicitly accounts for the following:
(a) Occupant activities
(b) Number and location of occupants
(c) Room size
(d) Contents and furnishings
(e) Fuel properties and ignition sources
(f) Ventilation conditions
(g) Identification of the first item ignited and its location * (np_b4ad0a24-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Design Fire Scenario 2 shall be described as follows:
(1) It is an ultrafast-developing fire, in the primary means of egress, with interior doors
(2) It addresses the concern regarding a reduction in the number of available means of * (np_b4aa23f3-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Design Fire Scenario 3 shall be described as follows:…e9-4a6e-add3-70e8ab04ffe2/80a4b970-089d-41a8-83dc-205740e78fcf/
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The National Fire Codes Subscription Service – NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition
2/23/18, 4)17 PM
(1) It is a fire that starts in a normally unoccupied room, potentially endangering a large
other area.
(2) It addresses the concern regarding a fire starting in a normally unoccupied room an
potentially holds the greatest number of occupants in the building. * (np_b4a764d2-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Design Fire Scenario 4 shall be described as follows:
(1) It is a fire that originates in a concealed wall or ceiling space adjacent to a large occ
(2) It addresses the concern regarding a fire originating in a concealed space that does
suppression system and then spreading into the room within the building that poten
occupants. * (np_b4a4a5b1-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Design Fire Scenario 5 shall be described as follows:
(1) It is a slowly developing fire, shielded from fire protection systems, in close proximit
(2) It addresses the concern regarding a relatively small ignition source causing a signi * (np_b4a1bf80-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Design Fire Scenario 6 shall be described as follows:
(1) It is the most severe fire resulting from the largest possible fuel load characteristic o
(2) It addresses the concern regarding a rapidly developing fire with occupants present * (np_b49f005f-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID0010100131
Design Fire Scenario 7 shall be described as follows:
(1) It is an outside exposure fire.
(2) It addresses the concern regarding a fire starting at a location remote from the area
area, blocking escape from the area, or developing untenable conditions within the * (np_b49c413e-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013
Design Fire Scenario 8 shall be described as follows:
It is a fire originating in ordin
each passive or active fire p
It addresses concerns regar
each fire protection system o
(3)* (np_b499821d-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#) It is not required to be applie
both the level of reliability an
absence of the system are a
5.5.4 Design Fire Scenarios Data.
Each design fire scenario used in the performance-based design proposal shall be transla
appropriate for the calculation method or model.…e9-4a6e-add3-70e8ab04ffe2/80a4b970-089d-41a8-83dc-205740e78fcf/
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The National Fire Codes Subscription Service – NFPA 101: Life Safety Code, 2015 Edition
2/23/18, 4)17 PM
Any design fire scenario specifications that the design analyses do not explicitly address o
omitted from input data specifications shall be identified, and a sensitivity analysis of the c
Any design fire scenario specifications modified in input data specifications, because of lim
generation procedures, shall be identified, and a sensitivity analysis of the consequences
5.6 * (np_b4969bec-78b9-11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010013156
5.6.1 General.
A proposed design’s performance shall be assessed relative to each performance objectiv
11e5-b7fc-cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000491) and each applicable scenario in
cbe41d90089c.html#ID001010000695), with the assessment conducted through the use o
authority having jurisdiction shall approve the choice of assessment methods.
5.6.2 Use.
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