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CSC 6010
Programming Assignment #6
Fall 2017
Instructions: This programming assignment is designed to develop
your Scheme programming skills and to illustrate how functional
programming can be used for security applications. In particular, the
assignment will familiarize you with the RSA key encryption system.
Write a program to implement the RSA public-key cryptosystem. The RSA (RivestShamir-Adleman) cryptosystem is widely used for secure communication in
browsers, bank ATM machines, credit card machines, mobile phones, smart cards,
and the Windows operating system. It works by manipulating integers. To thwart
eavesdroppers, the RSA cryptosystem must manipulate huge integers (hundreds of
digits). The built-in Java type int is only capable of dealing with 16 or 32 bit
integers, providing little or no security. You will design, implement, and analyze an
extended precision arithmetic data type that is capable of manipulating much larger
integers. You will use this data type to write a client program that encrypts and
decrypts messages using RSA.
Note: You’re starting with a blank screen. This means that you must pay particular
attention to the process of building up your program from scratch. Consider
carefully how your program should be structured and how you are going to
implement the various functions before plunging in. Remember to thoroughly test
and debug each function as you write it.
RSA Background:
The RSA cryptography system was developed by Ronald Rivest, Adi
Shmir, and Leonard Adelman of MIT, based upon the work of Whitfield
Diffie and Martin Hellman of Stanford University. In general, the RSA
system works by applying a set of mathematical functions to convert
blocks of characters into integers.
RSA is a “public-private” key system. Conceptually, an individual uses
RSA to generate a key pair containing a private key and a public key.
The public key is made widely available but the private key is kept
securely by the user. When someone wants to send an RSA encrypted
message, they utilize the recipients public key to encode. The recipient
then uses his/her private key to decode the message.
RSA also permits the use of “digital signatures” – a method of verifying
the identity of the person who sent you the encrypted message.
In general, encrypted messages are digitally signed by compressing
the encrypted message with a publicly disseminated hash compression
function that reduces the encrypted block of integers into a single
number. This hashing produces an unencrypted signature that is then
encrypted using the sender’s private key to form the encrypted
signature for the message. To verify the signature, the recipient
compresses the encrypted message with the public hash function to
yield what the unencrypted signature should be if it were actually sent
by the person who is represented as the sender. The encrypted
signature is then decrypted using the purported sender’s public key
and compared to the unencrypted signature produced by the hashing
of the encrypted message. If the two match, the message has been
verified. If it does not, then the person who signed the message did
not use the private key of the purported sender.
Figure 1 provides a schematic depicting the encryption, decryption, and
signature flow of control of the RSA cryptography system.
Encrypt w/
public key
w/ hash
Encrypt w/
private key
Decrypt w/
private key
w/ hash
Decrypt w/
public key
Number that
should match
Figure 1: Encryption and Digital Signature
From a mathematical perspective, the RSA encryption/decryption process may be
summarized as follows:
1. Select two large prime numbers, p and q and compute:
example p = 3 , q =11
n = pq
m = (p – 1)(q – 1)
Select a number e where the gcd(e, m) = 1. Let the unencrypted
message be s, such that the encrypted message Ris calculated by:
R= (se) mod n
To decrypt, another transformation is performed using the value of n
and another special number d to yield the unencrypted message s’ as
s’ = (Rd) mod n
where the value of d has the property s = s’ for every message s,
such that
s = (se)d mod n
it can be shown that the value of d has the property:
de = 1 mod m
Thus, the private key consists of the value pair (n, d) and the
public key consists of the value pair (n, e).
There are many on-line references that go into more of the details of RSA
encryption. A few of these are provided below. – Information from the creators of RSA. – An overview of the RSA encryption algorithm and
mathematics. –
Another tutorial on RSA with some demonstration applets.
The RSA cryptosystem. As discussed in Class, the RSA public key cryptosystem
involves three integer parameters d, e, and n that satisfy certain mathematical properties.
The private key (d, n) is known only by Bob, while the public key (e, n) is published on
the Internet. If Alice wants to send Bob a message (e.g., her credit card number) she
encodes her message as an integer M that is between 0 and n-1. Then she computes:
E(M) = Me mod n
and sends the integer E(M) to Bob. As an example, if M = 2003, e = 7, d = 2563, n =
3713, then Alice computes
E(M) = 20037 mod 3713 = 129,350,063,142,700,422,208,187 mod 3713 = 746.
When Bob receives the encrypted communication E(M), he decrypts it by computing:
M = E(M)d mod n.
Continuing with the example above, Bob recovers the original message by computing:
M = 7462563 mod 3713 = 2003.
Write your program using the RSA Encryption / Decryption algorithm.
Run your program using several input values.
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