Expert answer:Nurses are caring people, and with that in mind, they sometimes have
trouble asking patients personal or more intimate questions. Your
assigned textbook reading for this module includes a list of spiritual
assessment questions that nurses can use to learn more detailed
information regarding the spirituality of their patients. Ask the following questions when conducting cultural and spiritual assessment:
• What is your cultural background?
• What is your first language?
• Are you comfortable discussing your treatment in English?
• Do you need support from your family members, friends, or spiritual advisors when making decisions about your treatment?
• How does your condition affect your life?
• What traditional remedies have you used or would like to use to treat your condition?
• Are you a member of a religious or spiritual group?
• Are there any cultural or religious practices you would like to pursue while you are in our care?
• Would you like to talk to your spiritual or religious adviser?
• Are there any foods that your religion forbids?
• Are there any religious books or symbols that you would like to have with you?
• How can we (nursing staff) support your religious practices or your spiritual needs? Only used three of these questions! Ensure that
you read these questions and identify three (3) of the questions that
you might have difficulty asking a patient. Discuss why you believe
these three questions would be difficult for you to ask your patient and
how you can overcome this uneasiness. I need about 100-150 words