Solved by verified expert:Must contain meaningful content that adds to the conversation and not just filibuster. Must be a MINIMUM of 100 words each1) Chapter 3: Topics ofr discussion Greetings Class and welcome to week four discussions…I am introducing a new topic for this week. The student has the freedom whether to participate in this discussion, start a new discussion or answer postings to other students’ inputs…Touch Screens are considered the most used input devices for smartphones, tables laptops etc…My question is :Do you believe touch screens are going to be the only input devices to be used in the future? Please provide reasoning for your answers?2) Chapter 3 RecapChapter 3 discusses peripherals and expansion. Expansion cards are basically circuit boards installed in your computer to increase its capabilities. The four most popular expansion cards are video, multimedia, I/O, and communications. No matter what expansion card you are installing, the most important thing to remember is that it must match the bus type of the motherboard into which it is being installed. Most of the computers today have built in motherboards. For those you may not need an adapter to get the related service, but will need to install drivers to make them work with your operating system.3) Chapter 4: Types of Video DisplayThere are several different types of video display units, or VDUs, and the four types mentioned are Liquid Crystal Display (LCD), Plasma, OLED and Projection Systems. Liquid Crystal Display was found that, when you passed an electrical current through a semi-crystalline liquid, the crystals aligned themselves with the current. For Plasma displays, the noble gas Neon was used, placed on both sides of sealed chambers full of the gas and vaporized mercury and have light produced to show the picture. OLED displays, the Organic Light Emitting Diode, are self-contained cells that use the same principle to create light as Plasma. As the final, Projection systems are ‘condensed video display units with a lighting system that projects the VDU’s image onto a screen or other flat surface for group viewing.’ and goes on to mention the Smartboard, a projection device where you use ‘markers’ that interact with the image on screen. 4) Chapter 4: Topics for Discussion Greetings Class and welcome to week four discussions…I am introducing a new topic for this week. The student has the freedom whether to participate in this discussion, start a new discussion or answer postings to other students’ inputs…Let’s compare LCD and LED for the sake our discussions. Before you run out and buy an LCD TV with LED backlighting, you should consider more than one important factors; such as price, and resolutions.What would be your input on the aforementioned technologies? Which one do you prefer and why? 5) Chapter 11: Basic Components and Development Most printers that use the EP (or Electrophotograpic) process have nine typical pieces.: the toner cartridge, laser scanner, high-voltage power supply, DC power supply, paper transport assembly that also include paper-pickup rollers and paper-registration rollers, transfer corona, fusing assembly, printer controller circuitry, and ozone filter. The laser printers and inkjet printers that contain these are often refered to as page printers, meaing that they do their printing job just one page at a time. Xerox, Hewlett-Packard, and Canon were pioneers in developing the laser printer technology we use today. Scientists at Xerox developed the electrophotographic (EP) process in 1971. HP introduced the first successful desktop laser printer in 1984 using Canon hardware that used the EP procedure, using a combination of static electric charges, laser light and toner.6) Chapter 10: Printer Troubleshooting I am so glad that we are talking about how to troubleshoot printers. In my current career field as an I.T. professional for the military I cannot tell you how many times I get asked to assist users with their printers and come to find out there was nothing wrong with the printer and the user could have resolved the issue without any assistance. This should be taught at every job around the world. I am certain that anyone who has ever worked in I.T. for any amount of time has had to deal with simple printer issues that just require the user to read the display panel and follow the guidance that is given. Most issues with printers can be resolved at the printer station itself within a matter of minutes or at the user’s work station with little effort. I am so glad to see this as part of the course.
Expert Answer :Easy Discussion Replies
by writersseek | Feb 6, 2025 | Other | 0 comments
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