Solved by verified expert:n this Assignment, you will do some research regarding a product or service or an environmental initiative. Then, you will create an original presentation following the instructions below.Checklist:1) Prepare a PowerPoint presentation with audio no fewer than 12 and no more than 15 slides with speaker notes, and 3–4 bulleted points per slide, summarizing either:An improvement to an existing product or service you have envisioned in the role of a product specialist at a company. You will present to the parent company’s marketing and sales department manager that produces the product or service. OR An environmental initiative you would like to propose to your local town council for consideration. It can concern air quality, waste recycling, water quality, mitigation of embankments or lake areas to prevent floods, etc. 2) Make sure that your recorded audio explanation is clear and concise, such that the listener has sufficient information to initially approve your proposal. 3) Record the audio portion presenting your PowerPoint and include speaker notes below each slide in the notes section. Make sure your audio portion is not merely a reading of the slide bulleted points. 4) Submit your final audio-visual presentation to the Assignment Dropbox once you have checked your presentation for correct spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Note: You may assume your decision-maker/audience has the print copy of your researched proposal. These are the individuals who can approve the proposal you are making.Access the rubric with grading criteria
Expert answer:power point of a research proposal already done wi
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Business Finance | 0 comments
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