Solved by verified expert:You are a security administrator responsible for providing secure configuration requirements for new laptop deployments. After reading Module 2 of Certified Secure Computer User v2 exercises, apply the configuration settings below on your Windows® or Mac® computer and take screenshots of each step:Windows:Lock system when not in useCreate and change user account passwordDisable Guest AccountEnable Automatic Software UpdatesEnable FirewallCreate a New Firewall RuleTurn on Windows DefenderEnable bitlockerDecrypt file using EFSDisable Unnecessary ServicesMac:Lock system when not in useDisable Automatic LoginEnable Automatic Software updatesDisable Guest AccountEnable FileVaultEnable FirewallChange Password at set intervalsEnable and set parental controlsPaste screenshots into a Microsoft® Word document to demonstrate you applied the configurations.Write a 1-page explanation on how and why these settings create a secure operating system.Submit your assignment using the Assignment Files tab.
Expert Answer :Securing an Operating System
by writersseek | Feb 8, 2025 | Programming | 0 comments
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