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Group Project – Final Paper
The group project aims to learn about the global corporation and their real cases of contemporary issues that
occurred in the past 6 years or between 2010 – present. Students will work as a team to search, discuss, analyze, and
report information to the classmates and course instructor.
Each group will select a different global organization and research on the following topics:
• General information: types of products, mission statement, latest revenues and profits/loss, the locations of
headquarter and plants, numbers of workers/employees and so on.
• Organization structures: How the organization is organized and managed? Any information on leadership,
motivation, employees training/development, appraisals/promotion, dismissals, and others.
• Contemporary issues:
o Does the organization promote intercultural relations? How?
o Does the organization have employee assistance programs? Explain. Any cases/news on discrimination, sexual
harassment, and workplace violence were occurred.
o Are the organization’s employees part of Unions? How it works? Current situation of union in the organization.
o Does the organization lead on innovative products/process? Explain. What are the keys to successful changes in
the organization?
The final product will include written assignment and PowerPoint Presentation. The written assignment,
approximately 15-20 pages (double space, TN 12), should be presented in a professional manner; well written, well
edited and well organized. Include a paper that contains: cover page, table of contents, executive summary, general
information, organization structures, contemporary issues, conclusion, and references. This paper must be followed
the APA style, 5th edition.
The PowerPoint Presentation, not exceed 20 slides, should be posted in the Discussion Board, forum “Group
Project”. See the Course Schedule for the due date.
If you’re having trouble thinking of an organization, or if you’re unsure whether your proposed topic outline is
appropriate, please feel free to consult with me.
Online Delivery:
Each group will be responsible for a written presentation of the project durring the last chat session. Additionally,
each individual will be responsible for research, writing and presenting the information to the class. Each group will
prepare a 15 minutes presentation of the project followed by questions-answers session involving the audience.
Grading Criteria
Course Instructor will provide evaluation sheets to evaluate the group members and other groups’ presentation. In
grading, three major aspects will be used:
1) organization, content, and productive delivery. This requires that you (a) have a very clear, logical structure of
your presentation (e.g., introduction, main body, conclusion as well as smooth transitions in between),
2) demonstrate in-depth investigation of the selected organization (e.g., clearly define the company’s culture,
leadership, motivation and the contemporary issues or any lawsuits involved.
3) make your presentation engaging

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