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Part 1: Evolutionary Mechanisms
1. What significance do mutations have from an evolutionary standpoint? Be specific.
2. A recent study of around 12,000 human genes concluded that about 13% of the genes
examined are rare alleles that contribute to hereditary conditions like muscular dystrophy
and Usher syndrome (a common cause of congenital blindness and deafness). The study
found that these rare alleles are being removed from the human population and are
becoming even rarer over time. This is an example of which evolutionary mechanism?
Explain your answer.
3. The Old Order Amish population of Pennsylvania is descended from a small group of
Germans who migrated to the U.S. in the 1700s. Typically, church members marry within
their own community. This population is characterized by a high frequency of Ellis-van
Crevald syndrome, a form of dwarfism that also involves polydactyly (extra fingers/toes).
This syndrome is rare in the larger population of the United States and the larger
population of Germany. Which evolutionary mechanism might best explain this
Part 2: Taking a Closer Look at Homo erectus
Click on the link to the video Becoming Human, Part 2: Birth of Humanity go to to
watch the video. Then, answer the following questions:
1. What significant changes (compared to earlier hominin species) appeared with Homo
2. According to Turkana Boy’s teeth, how old was he when he died? What does this indicate
in terms of his growth rate?
3. What is the possible relationship between brain size and prolonged childhood in humans?
4. What is Broca’s area in the brain? What does Ralph Holloway conclude about this area of
Turkana Boy’s brain?
5. In what ways are stone tools indicative of an increase in the “thinking power” of Homo
6. What are the hidden costs of large brains?
7. What is persistence hunting? What did it allow hominins to do?
8. What is one hypothesis that explains why Homo erectus had smaller teeth, a much smaller
gut, and became more social?
9. When did Homo erectus leave Africa?
10. What is Homo floresiensis (or “The Hobbit”)?
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