Solved by verified expert:This week, as one last request for this course, I’d like to ask you to meditate deeply on all you have learned, concepts you have reinforced, and new discoveries you have made in this beautiful art of writing, during this school term. 1. Consider the following questions:Did you have a favorite type of writing? What was it? Did you know you had one?What is your favorite type of writing now?2. Choose a free topic and the writing style of your choice – even if we did not cover it here (Expository, Narrative, Creative, Entertainment, Mystery, Romance, Fiction, Non-Fiction, Descriptive, Analytical, Comparative, Poetry, Fee Essay, Educational, Satirical, etc.), one that identifies with you.3. Stay within 450 words, please.4. Loosen your reigns and begin writing at your own risk and pleasure
Expert answer:Free Topic Essay
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Writing | 0 comments
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