Solved by verified expert:Combine the two essays in a document. Make sure to have a title for each essay. Each essay should be more than 2 pages long, double-spaced. No maximum limit. For ESSAY 1: Please choose ONE of the two following prompts Prompt 1: Based on the strange days on planet earth: Invaders video you watched in class (): write a reflective essay that discusses alien invaders. Start with a working definition of alien species. What might have contributed to their success? Discuss the damages that they may cause. What can be done to reduce their impacts? What are some of the successful examples of invasive controls discussed in the video? What methods may go wrong if left to amateurs? Note that you are asked to write a reflective essay. Your work should read like an essay, not bullet points or just listing of answers to the guiding questions given above. Moreover, it’s important to use examples from the video to illustrate your essay. The originality of your essay will be checked by canvas. You cannot submit a work you wrote previously or a work written by someone else. Refer to the similarity rules on the first page of this exam to understand how your score is going to be impacted by your similarity score. Prompt 2: Write an essay that reflects on the land use proposals activity we did in class. Make sure to address the following: If it were up to you, and you alone, what would be the best use of the land in question? Feel free to modify any of the proposals to suit your views or come up with a brand new proposal. Make sure to provide the reasoning behind your choice. ESSAY 2 Write an essay that demonstrates the interconnectedness of land use, transportation, sprawling, invasive species and change in life style. Make sure to synthesize well the knowledge you acquired in this class and demonstrate that you can tie them all together in a clear, organized and thoughtful essay. This should not be just a regurgitation of facts; it should read more of a logical reflection that illustrates the core concept of relatedness we now understand from the Environmental Science class. Like the first essay, note that your work should read like an essay, not bullet points or just listing of answers to the guiding questions given above. The originality of your essay will be checked by canvas. You cannot submit a work you wrote previously or a work written by someone else. Refer to the similarity rules on the first page of this exam to understand how your score is going to be impacted by your similarity score.
Expert Answer :write two essays with two pages long and double-sp
by writersseek | Feb 9, 2025 | Science | 0 comments
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