Solved by verified expert:For this Third Milestone, you will finish development of your MyClone class and create another class of your choice.In Module Two, you started development of the MyClone class. You will continue to develop the MyClone class by adding accessor methods, mutator methoda, and an introduction() method. The introduction() method will introduce yourself to the virtual world by displaying a greeting, your first and last name, and anything else you would want to say. You will also create another class of your choice. Your programmer-defined class should have at a minimum two instance variables and one method. The instance variables and method should be representative of the data and behavior that objects of this class will have. You will demonstrate your understanding of encapsulation by declaring the instance varibales as private and by creating accessors and mutatora for each instance variable. You should have at least one constructor created that initializes all instance variables. Document your code. Submit your .class and .java files as one zipped folder. For additional details, please refer to the Milestone Three Rubric document and the Final Project Guidelines and Rubric document in the Assignment Guidelines and Rubrics section of the course.Guideline is attached

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Milestone Three: Programmer-Defined Class Guidelines and Rubric
You created the initial version of your MyClone class in Milestone One and Java code that created an Array of String messages in Milestone Two. In this milestone,
due in Module Seven, you will finish your MyClone class and create another class of your choice.
The following critical elements will be addressed in this submission:
1. MyClone accessors and mutators: You will demonstrate your understanding of encapsulation by creating accessor and mutator methods for all instance
variables of the MyClone class.
2. MyClone constructor: You should have at least one constructor created that initializes all instance variables.
3. MyClone method introduction(): Create an introduction() method for your MyClone class. The introduction() method will introduce you to the virtual
world by displaying a greeting, your first and last name, and anything else you would want to say.
Partial class diagram for the MyClone object:
4. Create an additional class: Create a class of your choice. Your programmer-defined class will have at a minimum two (2) instance variables and one (1)
method. You will demonstrate your understanding of encapsulation by declaring the instance variables as private and by creating accessors and mutators
for each instance variable.
5. Constructor: You will implement at least one constructor that initializes all instance variables. Document your code.
Critical Elements
MyClone Class
Accessors and
MyClone Class
MyClone Method
Additional Class
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
the mutators include validation
code that validates values as
appropriate before allowing the
mutator to set to the new
MyClone class includes
accessors and mutators for all
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
more than one overloaded
constructor is provided.
MyClone class includes at least
one constructor that sets all
instance variables to an initial
Method correctly displays a
greeting, the full name of the
clone, and an introduction
statement for the virtual world
Meets “Proficient” criteria
substantiated with formatted
printing used to display the
introduction; message
displayed is aesthetically
pleasing; introduction() method
uses accessor methods to get
the current value of the first
name and last name attributes
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
the class objects are creative or
unique with private instance
variables that fit the object
The choice class has 2 private
instance variables with
associated accessors and
mutators and 1 successful
Needs Improvement
MyClone class includes some
accessors, but the accessors do
not return the correct value of
the instance variables. MyClone
class includes some mutators,
but the mutators do not
correctly change the instance
MyClone class includes a
constructor but the constructor
does not set all instance
variables to an initial value.
Method displays a greeting, the
full name of the clone, and an
introduction statement for the
virtual world, but not correctly
Not Evident
MyClone class does not include
accessors and mutators, or the
accessors and mutators do not
The choice class has 2 private
instance variables with
associated accessors and
mutators and 1 method, but the
method is not successful or the
instance variables do not follow
The choice class does not have
2 private instance variables and
1 method
MyClone class does not include
at least one constructor, or the
constructor does not compile.
Method does not display a
greeting, the full name of the
clone, and an introduction
statement for the virtual world
Articulation of
Meets “Proficient” criteria and
submission is properly cited,
free of errors related to
citations, grammar, spelling,
syntax, and organization and is
presented in a professional and
easy to read format
Articulation of comments is
clear and concise, using
appropriate jargon for all users
and viewers, with no major
errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
Articulation of comments is
clear and concise , but does not
use appropriate jargon for all
users and viewers or has major
errors related to citations,
grammar, spelling, syntax, or
organization that negatively
impact readability and
articulation of main ideas
Articulation of comments is not
clear and concise
Earned Total

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