Solved by verified expert:1) Read the following scenario and then respond to each of the questions below. Ensure that you utilize APA formatting for your case study questions, including the citation of any resources used. Scenario:West Star Marinas is a chain of twelve marinas that offer lakeside service to boaters; service and repair of boats, motors, and marine equipment; and sales of boats, motors, and other marine accessories. The systems development project team at West Star Marinas has been hard at work on a project that will eventually link all the marina’s facilities into one unified, networked system.The project team has developed a use-case diagram of the current system. This model has been carefully checked. Last week, the team invited a number of system users to role-play the various use cases, and the use cases were found to the users’ satisfaction. Right now, the project manager feels confident that the as-is system has been adequately represented in the use-case diagram.The director of operations for West Star is the sponsor of this project. He sat in on the role-playing of the use cases and was very pleased by the thorough job the team had done in developing the model. He made it clear to you, the project manager, that he was anxious to see your team begin work on the use cases for the to-be system. He was a little skeptical that it was necessary for you team to spend any time modeling the current system in the first place but grudgingly admitted that the team really seemed to understand the business after going through that work.The methodology that you are following, however, specifies that the team should now turn its attention to developing the structural models for the as-is system. When you stated this to the project sponsor, he seemed confused and a little irritated. “You are going to spend even more time looking at the current system? I thought you were done with that! Why is this necessary? I want to see some progress on the way things will work in the future!”Questions:What is your response to the director of operations?Why do we perform structural modeling?Is there any benefit to developing a structural model of the current system at all? Why or why not.How do the use cases and use-case diagrams help us develop the structural model?2) Scenario:Consider an appointment system at a medical clinic, where a patient can request to make an appointment to see a certain doctor at a specific time. Additionally, a doctor can use that system to record the timings where he would be available to see his patients. A receptionist can print schedule information for a specific day at that clinic.In one use scenario, a patient will make a request with the receptionist regarding an appointment with the doctor. The receptionist will look up the patient to see if the patient has any bills to be paid. The receptionist will then ask the patient whether he or she wants to set up a new appointment, cancel an existing appointment, or to change an existing appointment. If the patient wants to create a new appointment, the receptionist asks the patient for some suggested appointment times, which the receptionist matches against potential times available. The receptionist finally creates a new appointment.In another scenario, a patient simply wants to cancel an appointment. In this case, the receptionist looks up the patient and checks to see if the patient has any bills to be paid. The receptionist then asks the patient for the time of the appointment to be canceled. Finally, the receptionist cancels the appointment.Using these scenarios, complete the following steps:Step 1: Create a use case diagramStep 2: Develop a number of scenarios (at least 5), for the following user scenarios:Existing Patient Makes New Appointment (see scenario details above)Existing Patient Cancels Appointment (see scenario details above)Step 3: Interface Structure DesignThe interface structure defines the basic components of the interface and how they work together to provide functionality to users.A WND (Window Navigation Diagram) is used to show how all the screens, forms, and reports used by the system are related and how the user moves from one to another.In a WND, each state in which the user interface may be is represented as a box. Furthermore, a box typically corresponds to a user interface component, such as a window, form, button, or report. on p. 375 (attached below) of the text shows a sample WND. Create a WND based on the need need to build the following GUI components for the appointment system:A client menu”Add Client” form: Used to add a new client/patient to the system”Find Client” form: Used to find an existing client/patient in the system”Client List” report: Used to issue a report of the existing clients in the system”Client Information” report: Used to issue a report including information about a specific clientStep 4: Sketch the user interface components that you identified from Step 3″Add Client” form: Think of what fields would be needed for every client”Find Client” form: Think of what fields would be needed to search for a specific event”Client List” report: Think of what fields need to be included in that report”Client Information” report: Think of what fields need to be included in that report
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