Solved by verified expert:This journal is an opportunity for you to process and expand upon your notes from class and the textbook, or respond to any particular announced questions. By expand, I mean more than reproducing whatever I may put on the board, through the inclusion of comments made in class and your thoughts on the material after class. In particular, I am interested in those concepts or examples you find most helpful, and any questions you may have that we did not get a chance to address in class, or did address but not to your satisfaction. Finally, please connect the course material to content from your other classes, or things you have read or seen outside of school.Minimum Requirements:At least 500 words of relevant materialCorrect grammar and spellingSubmission by 11:59 PM on Tuesday of the following week. While every submission will contribute to your overall Weekly Journal grade, you may not earn more than 100% in this category.James, *The Principles of Psychology*